monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I feel like a quote out of context.

I just changed the sheets on my bed and I am sneezing from breathing in dust mites and dead skin cells. I'm sure the population of dead skin cells was so high I could create another human being by mixing them with a little saliva or other body fluid, and maybe adding an electrical charge. (You're welcome for that pretty image, and should you try the experiment at home, let me know your results.)

The yarn room was getting out of control, and Rich complained about the shrinking floor space as he passes through on the way to his office, so I cleaned up a little in there, too. Mostly just by putting things in the big closet, nothing too strenuous. I am expecting some yarn in the mail this week, but it's only three skeins, so it will be no problem making room for it. I'll probably just throw them on the bed.

So wow, look at me go, I'm a cleaning machine!

What else did I do today? Well, RA is back in town, so we went out for a hamburger and then drove around town, drinking our pop and doing a couple of errands. Dropped off Kim's last semester grades at the insurance agent so we can keep our Good Student Discount (I'm sure it doesn't amount to much!), and picked up a pizza to bake at home later. It's a United Way fundraiser, or I wouldn't have bothered.

RA had to go home and get dressed for the Golden Age dinner at the church, which I was not invited to, thank goodness. It's for people 55 and over, so I didn't make the cut. Rich isn't that old, either, but he is in the Young Mens organization, so he went over to help the kids serve dinner to the elderly.

When the women in RS were reminded on Sunday that the dinner was this Wednesday night, one of them asked what she should do, since both she and her husband were going to the dinner, but they had a son at home and there would be no one to get dinner for him?

Umm, if you have a teenage son at home who can't manage to forage some dinner? That is not something I would be willing to admit! If you don't teach your children to make themselves something to eat when they are hungry, and to wash a load of clothes when their soccer uniform is dirty, and to sew a button on their white church shirt, well, you aren't doing your job!

That is advice I would give to anyone, but especially to members of the church who are raising sons and planning to send them on missions! Don't send your kid out there helpless! Scott mended another missionary Elder's pants that had torn open along a seam, and the owner of the pants acted like Scott had just spun straw into gold! That's pathetic!

Another woman I know (and you know her too, she used to clean my house!), told me that she mentioned sewing on buttons to her son who getting ready to go on a mission, and he said he didn't need to know how, the sisters in the wards would do that for him. And his mother, instead of being appalled that she had raised such a lazy chauvinistic little snot, thought it was funny!

I'm getting annoyed just thinking about the women who should know better, women who grew up in supposedly more enlightened times, and who have had a chance to raise up a generation of young men who can take care of themselves and won't require their wives to be their slaves mothers, and yet they haven't done it!

We could have changed the world, we could have changed the whole next generation, but people can't let go of those tired stereotypes. Women still do the majority of the household chores in their homes when they work full-time time outside the home, and they don't even think it's wrong! Or if they do, they shrug it off, because their husbands just 'won't' do anything.

Diana has a saying, "You do what you have to, to make your life just the way you want it," and it's so true. People complain about things in their life, but the truth is, your life is the way it is because that's how you want it, even if you won't admit it to yourself. If your kids don't cook or do laundry, maybe it's because you need for them to need you. If your husband parks on the couch and watches TV all weekend while you clean house, well, I can't even begin to explain that crap.

Oh my goodness, I need to shut up. I can't change the world all by myself, but I raised kids who can make me a sandwich and wash a load of towels when I ask them to. Sheesh.

7:13 p.m. - 2008-11-12


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