monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Hold music is playing on the radio in my head.

I spend a lot of time this afternoon on Facebook, which I joined at the urging of my sister Sarah. She is having a frantically fun time playing with it, and you know how bored I've been lately! So I joined Facebook and I feel a little silly about it, because it's really for a younger demographic, but you know, it is kind of fun, even though my only Friends are family members, because no one else I know is on it.

Today I joined some groups, because after fooling around on it for an hour, I was out of things to do to entertain myself, and I asked Jenna what else I could do. She said to join groups, and then I found that Sarah was a member of a group for people who think Crocs look stupid, and really, I should be the president of that group, because I think nothing looks worse than Crocs, especially if you have them in lots of different colors (cough, RA, cough).

I joined that one, and then one of the several Georgette Heyer groups, and a knitting group. I was on a roll! What else can I join? Is there a group for mothers who interfere in their children's lives? Maybe there is a purse-buying group!

Knitting news:

So yesterday I found the pieces of a sweater I made for Kim a couple of months ago, but never sewed it together. I had thrown the pieces on the window seat, and forgotten about them! I washed them in some warm water and a squirt of Dawn dishwashing soap, and laid them flat to dry, and when I was patting the main body piece out onto the table- because that is what we use our dining table for, not for eating on - I noticed there was a hole in the back! A perfectly round hole right in the middle of the back, as like a bullet hole, but probably a dropped stitch. I can fix it easily, it's just odd.

The sweater was completely dry tonight, so this weekend I can sew it together and do the finishing - the button bands and the neckband, and then I'll have to buy buttons for it. It's a cute sweater; you can see it here.


Have you seen the trailer for the Half-blood Prince yet? It looks very dark! I think that one is my favorite book, and I'm so looking forward to the movie!

11:28 p.m. - 2008-11-14


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