monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


When Kim comes home she'll bring the WII!

Oh man I could not sleep this morning, and I tried! For two hours! I was warm in my bed, I read a book, I closed my eyes and breathed deeply - all the things I normally do, but I couldn't sleep.

At 9:00, I got up and took a Tylenol PM, cooked some scrambled eggs and toast, and went back to bed again, where I read for while, and knitted on the first of a pair of fingerless gloves that I'm going to keep in the computer room to wear when I feel cold. I knitted and read, and eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and had phone messages on my house phone and on my cell, but I hadn't missed anything important. RA had gone out to do errands without me, and she was just getting back to her house when I called her. She was carrying all her stuff into the house while she juggled the phone, too, and then it all fell out of her hands and went crashing to the ground and the lid came off of her Diet Coke, and it spilled all over! I was full of sympathy, because that has totally happened to me before!

Rachel was calling me as I hung up from RA, and she was so excited! They had been playing Animal Crossing all day and exchanging codes with other players over the internet, and visitors from cyberspace had been coming to our little town! She told me to get dressed and come over right away!

I hurried right over to Rachel's house, and wow! Our town is beautiful! Visitors had brought new exotic fruit to trade, and Ash planted it all in the area around Tom Nook's store so we had a huge fruit grove! Someone from another town had visited who hadn't been able to get a shovel yet in her own town, so Ash gave her one of his, and then another visitor gave him a golden shovel!

While I was there, I played my character, and I went into the city and got a silver shovel, and then went back to town and picked fruit, found mushrooms and arranged some new furniture that Rachel had gotten for me that day.

We got a pizza for dinner - Rich was home, fending for himself and his dog, but he had plenty of frozen dinners to cook, and then he was going to Young Men's. He actually didn't get home until 10:00, when I was getting up from my evening nap. He'd had a meeting after YM.

I've been going to Rachel's every night this week to play AC, but Rich doesn't care because he has been extra busy with work on a new production blah blah blah, so yesterday when I called him on my way to work and said I was going straight to work from Rachel's house, he said, "Oh have you been gone? I didn't notice." So you see how it is when you've been married a long time? He doesn't even notice when you're gone all night.

Okay, I'm back at work and Rachel and Ash just came down here to my office so Rachel can do some paperwork, so I'm going to stop writing and go talk to them.

Tomorrow we're going to drive to SIUE to help Kim bring her harp home for Thanksgiving break! Yay!

11:47 p.m. - 2008-11-19


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