monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I didn't mind taking the dog out, what made me mad was that he said I was a liar!

Okay, it's 3:45 a.m. but it's still Thursday to me, because I got up at 3 in the afternoon and have not been back to bed yet.

We were going to drive down to E-ville tonight to get Kim's harp, sleep in a motel, and drive back tomorrow, but then Rich said he really needs to be here Friday morning to work on his blah blah whatever.

What we did then was drive to the college, pick up the harp, finish putting Kim's things in the car, and drive back home with her following us. We got back here at 3, and Kim and Rich have already gone to bed.

I'm going to go to bed soon, but first I'm going to unwind in front of the computer, and maybe read my new Animal Crossing City Folk strategy guide! Woot!

So yeah, 10 hours in the car, but we're all home and I did not kill or even maim the little rules-nazi who wouldn't let me sit in the lobby and wait with Buffy, because he says that because of allergies and whatnot, dogs aren't allowed in the dorm. I said,
"Oh really? Because last time I was here, I took the dog up to her room," and that tubby little ferret said he highly doubted that, and I said, "I can't believe you just called me a liar," and he said he didn't but that he doubted that I had the dog up to Kim's room. Excuse me, Adolph Jr, but I believe that when you say that you doubt my statement, that is indeed saying that you think I am lying. What a putz.

So I took the dog back outside where it was 18 degrees and windy, and waited for Rich and Kim to come downstairs with the harp, and I was very happy to get back in the car and go home!

3:42 a.m. - 2008-11-21


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