monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


And the sheriff reminded both of us of my brother, Ed.

Another cold day in Illinois, but I am upstairs in bed, keeping my feet warm. I bought new draperies for my bedroom today, but haven't got them hung yet. They are navy blue with thermal backing, to keep light and cold air out.

Today is our 29th anniversary! We usually don't do much to celebrate. In fact, we don't usually remember it until one of us writes the date on a check or something like that, and then the one that remembers calls the other one and says, "Guess what day it is?" and it takes a minute to think of it. We're very low-key about things - it's just how we are.

But with Kim back at school and just the two of us at home, not even a dog anymore, we decided to go out tonight and Rich picked the movie. He wanted to see Twilight! Diana told me it is pretty to look at, so what the heck, we went, and you know what? It was actually pretty good.

Wow, I have never seen a high school attended by such attractive kids! Did anyone else think the ethnic population of the school was awfully diverse for a small town in the middle of the woods?

So the kid who played Jacob, wow, so cute! Also Jasper, and neither of them had what I consider enough screen time. I told Kim later that I would like to see those two making out, or no, I would like to be the filling in a Jasper and Jacob sandwich, but she said that was creepy, coming from her mom!

Speaking of creepy, Edward sneaking into Bella's room to watch her sleep? Eewww!

As we were leaving the theater, four girls who looked about 14 were going into it, carrying their popcorn and looking so young! I nudged Rich and said, "Aww," and he said, "They're going to love it!"

Then we went straight to Sh*pko to find the soundtrack, because the music was great! It was all sold out there, and since I have already been in W*lmart once today, and it was a very overwhelming experience, we just came home and I ordered the CD from Amazon.

Yeah, I went shopping with RA this morning and that's when I bought the drapes, but then we looked at toys, and looked for boots, and I was just getting more and more frazzled by the people and the noise, and RA just kept babbling, until really I thought I was going to have a meltdown. I was so happy to get home, where it's quiet and I can play Animal Crossing in peace!

Oh darn, I left my Old Lady book downstairs, so no update tonight.

9:13 p.m. - 2008-12-05


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