monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Horehounds = slutty dogs. Heh.

I woke up early again this morning, after having gone to bed early last night, and wandered downstairs to get a Diet Pepsi. Rich was still asleep, and I didn't want to disturb him - I'm thoughtful like that.

So it was about 6:30 in the morning, and I was sitting at my computer in the den, checking my mail, and reading comics, and the phone rang! I thought maybe Barb needed me to come to work, but it was Rachel, calling from Florida!

Rachel was up early, and she thought I would be, too! She filled me in on all the fun they are having - it sounds like a good trip.

Kim is working on a research paper this weekend, so she is pretty much unavailable, and I was glad to have someone to talk to.

I talked to Scott tonight when I called to tell him how funny the picture of Soren on their photo page is. It's a joke in our family that I don't do holidays well, and that at our house the Christmas Spirit just curls up, whimpering, in a corner. The kids claim that we never let them believe in Santa Claus, either, which is not exactly true, it's just that we didn't carry it to great lengths. I don't think you should tell lies to your children, because then they can't trust you to tell them the truth.

We took them to sit on Santa's lap and all, but we did tell them it was just pretend, and Scott claimed that he was going to raise his kids the same way, like, "Hey kids, who's not real?" and they would answer, "Santa!" So that's what the funny picture of Soren with the sign is about.

Today's warning sign of Little Old Lady syndrome is that Little Old Ladies have a purse full of tissues and hard candy. Oh my goodness, that is so true, but when you are a cranky kid at church who is tired of sitting still, you are happy to get one of your grandmother's dusty old Hoarhound candies from the bottom of her purse! Actually my Grandma was all about the butterscotch candies, but my mom always had Hoarhounds and thought they were quite a treat. (Warning: they are disgusting!) I'm not sure I'm spelling Hoarhounds correctly, but Horehounds doesn't look right either.

7:46 p.m. - 2008-12-06


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