monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It was -1 when I woke up this morning.

I've been reading a murder mystery called Commencement on my Kindle, and thinking that it isn't very well proofread, and that the writing isn't really very tight, and then yesterday I saw my receipt from Amazon, and I realized that I only paid 99 cents for it. That means that the author is selling it on Amazon for the Kindle, and it hasn't been professionally published. I don't know if I'm explaining it clearly - it's like self-publishing, it hasn't been sold to a publisher. Well, that makes a bit of difference! That's why the proofreading isn't very good, but the book is actually not bad, considering.

When I first bought my Kindle, I downloaded a book like that, one that was published by its author for the Kindle and sold for 99 cents, and that thing was terrible! It was just stupidly horrible, and I thought that if people were going to put crap like that out there, I could write something a hundred times better to publish that way! Of course, I haven't done it, so the author of that terrible piece of crap is a step ahead of me, having actually finished their badly written book.

The one I'm reading now could probably actually be sold to a publisher, and with a good editor it could be a decent book. Not great literature, but a pleasant read. Well, I'm saying that not having finished it, and maybe it stinks on ice, but I don't know yet. I'll finish it and report back on it later. Hmm, maybe I should finish writing one of my half-done stories. Death at the Golden Age Dinner? Who wouldn't want to read that? What about Lacy Brassiere , Girl Detective. Oh, you know you wanna get your hands on that one!

What I'm reading tonight:

A Diet to Die For by Joan Hess. It's a series book, one of several by this author about this character, and they are not bad. She's written the Maggody Books, too, and I know Diana, at least, has read some of those.

What I'm knitting tonight:

I got stalled on the Christmas Surprise so I brought a sock. This is the first of the socks knitted with the Harry Potter colors in the color called Ron. I love this colorway! I'm almost finished with this sock, so I'll be starting sock #2 tonight.

What I cooked today:

Well, I wouldn't call it cooking, but I made 7-layer Dip to take to a friend's house tonight when Rich and I went there to watch the Christmas broadcast. I got the recipe from the internet, and it was good.

11:25 p.m. - 2008-12-07


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