monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


16 days until Christmas!

It snowed all day today! It was raining when I left work this morning, but it was rain that was turning to slush, and then by the time I went to bed, it was snowing!

The roads have been pretty clear, so RA and I went out to do errands and get a hamburger. We weren't out for long, and when I got back home, I wasted time on the internet, and played some Animal Crossing.

I could hear snowblowers all over my neighborhood, including my next-door neighbor and his eternal snowblowing. Rich was up in the office working all day, and he waits until the snow is finished before he starts shoveling, but today he looked out in the afternoon and said that someone had already cleared our sidewalks!

We were both home, but neither of us saw anyone do the sidewalks! I asked the next-door neighbor, and he said it was someone with a big red snowblower, but he didn't know who it was. That is so weird, because the last time it snowed, the same thing happened, and we didn't see anyone then, either. Very mysterious!

What I'm knitting today:

Still working on a Surprise Project, and the Christmas stocking for Soren. I should be able to finish the stocking in time for Christmas, and if I would work on it, I could get the Surprise done, too.

What I'm reading today:

The Good Fairies of New York by Martin Millar. I can't remember who recommended this book, but it's supposed to very good. There's an introduction written by Neil Gaiman, so that's a good sign.

What I'm watching today:

Rachel told me to watch a show on the Cartoon Network called 6Teen and I finally saw a couple of episodes. It was entertaining. Later, when I couldn't sleep before I came to work, I watched reruns of Third Rock from the Sun on TVLand. I love to see how cute and young Joseph Gordon-Levitt was!

11:52 p.m. - 2008-12-09


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