monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Scott also thinks that orange and red go together in clothing. It's a man thing.

I started working on the Surprise knowing that I only had 3 skeins of the yarn that I finally, after much swatching and false starts, decided would be right for this project. I planned to call the yarn store to have them send more when I finished the piece of the Surprise that I am calling my (large) gauge swatch, but then I thought it might be nice to make a little road trip, and Rich was willing, so today when I woke up we drove to Dekalb to the Yarn Exchange to get more of the yarn.

I love that yarn shop! They have so many colors of the brands that I like, and what they carry are the really useable yarns, the stuff I call Workhorse Yarns because they are easy to use and are practical prices. Lots of Brown Sheep, which is my favorite brand, and there is fancier stuff, like an alpaca and silk blend that Rachel used for something last year that was expensive so she kept buying it one or two skeins at a time until her sweater was done. They have been in that spot for a while, so the inventory is biggish, and they have lots of needles and artsy buttons, and there is a very comfortable table and chairs for people to sit at and knit, and there are always people there. Today there was a grandpa-aged man, probably in his early 60s, knitting socks, and he had some with him to show. He had cleverly wrapped the yarn label around the finished pairs that he was giving away to his daughter and daughter-in-law, so they would have the yarn content and care instructions at hand. I thought that was a brilliant idea, and plan to do it in the future when I give away socks. He mentioned that he should have included a bit of the yarn, too, so that the wearer can darn the socks if they need to mend them. Good idea!

So Rich wandered and looked at things while I found the yarn I needed and bought some more, too, because RA wants to pay me to make more socks for her son who likes wool socks, and some Malabrigo that I just thought was lovely. I will probably make myself a scarf with the two skeins I bought.

We went across the street to eat in the Thai restaurant, where they were having a busy day, so service was a little slow, but we weren't in a hurry, so we didn't care. While we were having our late lunch, it started to rain, and then turned to snow, and then back to rain.

We went back out into the rain/snow and hurried back to our car, which was parked behind the yarn shop. Jumping in, I leaned forward to tuck my yarn bag under the seat, and smacked my head against the visor, which must have fallen forward, and ow! That hurt!

Rich must have thought I was overreacting (me?), and he pulled his visor down to give it a trial bump, and yes, he decided it was possible that banging ones head against the frame could hurt. It was stinging and swelling up as we drove home, and he told me not to fall asleep in case I had a concussion!

I had promised Rachel that I would stop at the grocery store when I got back to our town, to buy the ingredients we needed to make the first day's recipe of Christmas cookies, so I called her from the car to get the list.

The bump on my head was still throbbing and I told Rachel what happened, explaining that the frame of the visor was made from a really hard metal, something really hard! Like ... um...Mithril! She laughed and said I was a geek, and when I was done talking to her I told Rich, who had been listening, that I said that because it was the hardest metal I could think of, and he nodded, and said, "So the only metal you could think of isn't real." I laughed, and looked out the window, thinking furiously (with a bump on my head!) and finally yelled, "Titanium!" So there you go.

We stopped at home to get some bungie cords, and then we went to the grocery store to get the cookie ingredients and a Christmas tree. We almost forgot the tree until we saw them again on the way out of the store, so Rich went back in to pay for a tree and I waited on the sidewalk, in the rain, inhaling the smell of Christmas trees. It was still raining a little, and the trees smelled so green and fresh, although they were probably cut down in Oregon back in March and will be dropping needles like crazy after a week in the house.

Rich put the tree in the garage for tonight, and he said he'll put in the stand tomorrow. We'll save the decorating until Kim gets home later this week.

So that was my day, and now I'm at work with my still slightly sore head. Rachel's report of the cookie-making is here, but I was tired so I went home to get a nap instead of baking.

Oh, and there is a picture of Soren, wearing his cute cute devil pants here. I love the pants! The pattern is from Stitch and Bitch by Debbie Stoller, adapted to a thicker yarn because I didn't have any red fingering-weight yarn.

I showed Rich the picture this morning and mentioned that the orange shirt he is wearing in the photo doesn't really go with the red pants. Of course, because he is a man, he thinks that orange and red should go together, just like that pink and red outfit he dressed Kim in once when I wasn't home, but he is wrong.

Rich: It doesn't matter anyway, he's in the house, no one will see him.

Me: What if there is an emergency and Carolyn has to grab him and run for the car to go and save Scott?

Rich: He's wearing pants with a tail, who's going to notice his orange shirt?

I like that mental image of Carolyn racing to save Scott, like a superhero! Because she could do it, you know! She just needs a cape! (An orange one.)

11:22 p.m. - 2008-12-13


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