monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I should have checked the topic list for this one!

After a week in which I felt like I hardly slept at all, today was great because I slept so much! I didn't do much of anything else, but that's okay, I needed the sleep.

What I'm knitting today:

Did a couple of rows on the Christmas stocking for Soren, and worked a little on the Surprise. I'll get more done on the Surprise tonight at work.

What I'm watching today:

I watched an episode of Psych online, because Rich was watching something very dull on the history channel, and when that was over he kept watching the next boring show that came on, so I went upstairs to watch TV in bed. Then I slept some more.

What I'm cooking today:

I made some cheesy polenta this afternoon and broiled some fish and roasted vegetables for dinner, along with a potato baked in the microwave.

What I'm reading:

Brilliant by Marne Davis Kellogg. It's okay, but not brilliant, haha. The main character is too much of a Mary Sue, so she's annoying me. I keep waiting for something to happen, but the action is not really action-ish.

I haven't finished The Good Fairies of New York yet, because it's a paperback, and they're hard to keep open while I knit. I like it better than Brilliant, though.

What I'm writing:

I've got an idea for a story in my head, but nothing on paper. I need to make some notes before I forget my ideas!

11:53 p.m. - 2008-12-14


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