monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I saw the Northern Lights over the town of Bremon.

Wow, I had no energy at all today and didn't do anything except watch it snow outside. It's so pretty! I didn't go out at all until it was time to come to work today.

I did spend some time knitting on the Charity socks. I have the leg of the first sock done, which is probably 1/3 of the total sock. I'm going to really work on this one tonight and see if I can get done through the heel gusset. At that point I'll be 2/3 done with the first sock. I've just got to find something interesting to read while I knit.

I never made anything for dinner except some shrimp dip that Diana gave me the recipe for yesterday, so I guess that and some potato chips were my dinner. Rich ate something that he scrounged up for myself, as he was not interested in the dip. Go fig.

This afternoon Carolyn put Soren on the webcam and I watched him play for a while. He was modeling a cute hat and mittens, and then he sat on the floor and 'read' a book. He got mad when Carolyn wouldn't let him use her cell phone, so that was the end of Soren TV.

I played a little Animal Crossing, too. I played for about a half hour in the afternoon, and the animals told me they heard there would be a pretty sky later, so tonight I played again to get a look at the sky. It was the Northern Lights, and it was pretty! Rich was watching me play, because Animal Crossing is kind of entertaining to watch even when you aren't playing it. One of my village animals was locked out of her house and couldn't find her key, so I fished and fished, trying to find it in the river - I know that's where it is, I've found lost keys before, as the animals are rather careless with their housekeys - and finally after a half-hour or so of fishing, I gave up and closed the game. I had to go to work! I can't stay up looking for lost keys all night!

11:30 p.m. - 2008-12-16


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