monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I hope I finish that sock tonight; I'm pretty tired of it.

We got a lot of snow last night! It wasn't unexpected, it had been predicted for days, and we were watching the Weather Channel last night, waiting for the big snow to start!

It started snowing before we went to bed, and snowed hard all night. I woke up this morning when Rachel came to the door, having walked the four blocks from the hospital to our house, because her car was buried in the snow in the parking lot.

We found some clothes for her to sleep in, and I cleared off the bed in the yarn room for her, and changed the sheets quickly. She slept up there all day, and when she woke up in the afternoon, the roads were all cleared, and Ash came over with clean clothes for her.

Rich went out in the morning to start clearing the front steps and the sidewalks, and then - the mysterious snowblower showed up! It turns out that it's a couple about our age who live a couple of houses away, and they have two new snowblowers - his and hers! So they have been clearing the sidewalks of the houses on our street! They were so cheerful about it, and looked like they were having a good time. Rich talked to them, and then he came in the house, and they finished our sidewalks and did the driveway, too. We are very grateful, and Kim and I are planning to make cookies to take to them tomorrow.

I've been knitting the second Charity sock all day, and they aren't quite done. I'll probably be able to finish the foot tonight while I read in bed.

So we're very excited, because Soren is coming tomorrow, and bringing his parents, too! They'll be here late tomorrow night.

What I'm reading tonight:

Rachel recommended The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor, which is a re-telling of the Alice In Wonderland story. I downloaded it from Amazon for my Kindle, and I read the little blurb about it on the website. It sounds like it was a graphic novel, and I saw some of the pictures in the book Rachel has. They are beautifully drawn and colored! So I'm going to be reading that tonight while I knit the second sock.

10:37 p.m. - 2008-12-19


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