monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am sorry, so very sorry, for not writing more.

Diana is shaming me into writing an entry, so here I am. The truth is, there has been too much going on that I just didn't want to write about, and then on the other hand, there was nothing to say. So I took a break. We were on a break!

Our horrible dog has pooped out 3 socks in the last two days! That's right, 3 socks in two days! It's funny, but I noticed her stomach gurgling a couple of times in the days preceeding the amazing sock-shitting, and I was a little worried that she had eaten something that would give her diarrhea!

We have been closing the laundry room door and keeping baskets of unfolded laundry out of her reach, but we are going to have to work harder at this! We moved the sock basket into the yarn room, too, because we usually keep the door closed when Rachel isn't home.

Speaking of Rachel - she graduated from college last weekend with a BA in Biology, minoring in Chemistry! We're so proud! Now she is thinking about Pharmacy school again. She is back home for a couple of weeks while she looks around and decides what to do. I told her that when people ask what she is planning to do, to tell them she's going into plastics. Yeah, she didn't get that joke, either, so we rented The Graduate and watched it tonight.

Kim went to an anime convention in Chicago today with Karin and Kelly and their young men. She had a very interesting time. She says she saw some things she wishes she hadn't and some things that she hopes she never sees again. Karin said she took a lot of pictures, so I'm looking forward to seeing them. Rachel was wishing she could have gone, too, so they're planning to go next year, and they are already talking about what to wear!

So I'm back at work tonight and training another new operator. I'm a little tired of training, but when it's done, I'll be able to take some time off! Woot!

11:31 p.m. - 2004-05-15


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