monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


There's salsa music from a commercial playing in my head.

It's been just me and the dog at home for two days and they have been some long days!

Rich and Kim left on Friday, driving the van full of boxes of Rachel's stuff. I got home from work at 7 and stayed up until they left, so they wouldn't forget anything! Good thing I did, too, because they almost left behind the most important box! It was the box containing her cell phone charger, her ATM card, and the bag with her earrings!

I went to bed as soon as they left and woke up an hour later when Ruthann came to the door. The dog had already peed on the floor! I cleaned that up and went back to bed.

Three hours later, the dog was standing by the bed, looking hopeful, so I got up and went downstairs with her and found she had peed on the floor again! I took her around the block anyway, and then napped on the couch in the living room so I could keep an eye on her. I didn't sleep well, since every time the dog moved a muscle my eyes flew open - "What are you doing?"

When I got home from work this morning I took her out for a walk right away, then assessed the damage when we got back - she had stolen a bottle of conditioner from the bathroom and chewed on it until it cracked open and spilled on the living room floor, pooped in the den, peed in the living room (I just need to set that carpet on fire, it's so nasty), and when I had cleaned up everything, I found more surprises upstairs.

She had a big bottle of hand lotion open on the landing of the stairs, and that's a mess that isn't cleaned up as well as I would like, and there were pieces of a plastic hairband all over the hall. Ugh.

I was feeling wide awake by the time I had everything cleaned up, so I called Ruthann and we went out to breakfast. She brought over some of her dog's antihistimines, and we gave one to Buffy to make her drowsy and then took her for another walk to give it time to work.

Buffy and I had a pretty good day today, because we spent most of it sleeping!


Rachel called me at work this morning at 5:30 - she couldn't sleep! She said she'd been awake since four, and she didn't want to turn on a light to read because Kim was sleeping on the couch in the living room and Rich was sleeping on the air mattress in the bedroom.

She said her back was hurting from sleeping in the papa-san chair, so I told her to go lay down with Rich on the air mattress. She didn't want to because she's been sleeping on it all week at Erin's and that's why her back hurts!

So her plan for the day was to take the van and go to garage sales with Erin to find furniture, and then shop for a real bed!

When I talked to her later, she had scored big at the garage sales, and bought a bed! So she is feeling lots happier tonight, and will be able to get a good night's sleep, I hope.

Rich and Kim got home at 8 and Buffy was so happy to see Rich! I was glad to see them, too.

What I'm knitting:

FOs - Silja white waffle socks

- Regia multi-varigated socks

Just started the toe shaping on the blue fair-isle self-pattering yarn. I thought it was Opal, but I found a second ball of it in the yarn room, and it's Fortissima Colori in a predominately blue pattern. It's pretty!

This morning while I was in bed, waiting to get sleepy, I cast on a sock from the Knitting on the Road book. I can't remember the name of it now, but it's the Welsh one. I'm using a blue/green varigated Regia yarn. I mastered the fancy cast-on and knitted two more rows before I put it away. It won't be mindless knitting, so I'll keep it to work on at home.

Reading: Picadilly Jim by P.G. Wodehouse. It's an etext on Project Gutenberg that I'm reading at work. I love Wodehouse.

11:16 p.m. - 2004-06-19


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