monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I don't care who works, as long as it isn't me.

I got a call from Barb this morning shortly after I got home from work and got in bed. She asked how I would feel about working a 12-hour shift tomorrow night, and I reacted from the heart - with a string of profanity. She laughed and said, "Mike says he heard that!"

Apparently our boss was sitting in our office at the time. Oh well, he had to know I wasn't going to be happy with it. I called Barb back a few minutes later, after I thought he'd be gone, to laugh about it, and she said that when I reacted to her question, he said, "I know. I heard that!" He knows how much I've been working!

So this afternoon he produced a new schedule with actual days off for me! I could not be happier! So much so, that I don't even care who he finds to work my shift on those days. In fact, I don't care if no one works it and they have to close the department when I am not here!

My sleeping is completely messed up now, so that I come home and stay up and then when I finally go to bed about 10, I sleep until evening. I don't really like that schedule, but it's bound to change again. I slept until 9 tonight, so that was wierd, and I couldn't find anything to eat when I woke up. I went to the grocery store and bought workfood, i.e. bagels, Cheese Nips, pretzels. The stuff we eat here at night, because the cafeteria isn't open. In the deli I found strawberries and dip, boiled eggs, and cheesecake, so that's what I had for dinner when I got to work.

It was wierd being at the grocery store so late. Off to one side of the parking lot, there were some parked cars with teenage kids standing next to them, talking. Awww, how cute. Inside the store, the stockers were flinging boxes around, and it reminded me of the book called Bloodsucking Fiends, in which the overnight store stockers bowl with frozen turkeys.

What I'm knitting today:

1. Fortissima Colori blue sock #2, about half done.

2. Paton's Kroy blue varigated sock #1. I used a fancy cast on from Knitting on the Road, and did about 5-6 rows of ribbing, and now I'm just doing the rest of the sock in plain, restful, stockinette stitch.

3. I'm contemplating another Gryffindor scarf, in the new design seen in Prisoner of Azkaban. I noticed in the movie that none of the kids were wearing their scarves from the previous movies, and I thought it was because they were wearing so much of their own clothing rather than their uniforms. In one scene, Hermoine was wearing a scarf, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Last night I was just playing on the internet at work and I googled "Azkaban scarves" to see if there was any comment from knitters on the lack of school scarves, and I found that actually one person had paid attention to the scarves worn in the movie and has already come up with a pattern for them! It's the site where I found the pattern and descriptions of the original scarves. You know I need to make one for Kim!

11:20 p.m. - 2004-06-21


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