monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


My eyes are itching.

I taught my friend Shelley to knit today! She has to go to girl's camp next week, and she asked me at church yesterday if I could teach her to knit in a week! I told her I could teach her to knit in 5 minutes, and then we sat on the couch instead of going to Sunday School, and she made a couple of trial stitches on the sock I was knitting, and said, "This is easy!"

So she came over and started a dishcloth for her daughter to take with her to college in the Fall, because it's a little known fact that even when you live in a dorm, you need a dishrag to wash the occasional dish, like your ramen noodle bowl, and your cocoa mug.

She knitted a few rows of garter stitch, and then I taught her to purl. She was amazed at how easy it is to purl! We sat and knitted for a couple of hours, and she thinks it's soothing and fun, and a good thing to do when you're watching TV so you don't feel guilty for wasting time. She's absolutely right! As she was leaving, she said that she hoped the girls at camp would help each other knit, so she could just relax and enjoy her knitting all week. I'm going to start her on a Gryffindor scarf before she goes to camp, as it will be simple and take a long time - she won't run out of knitting in the middle of the week, miles from a yarn store!

Kim was having trouble with the heel of the sock she was working on, so I ripped the heel flap back and knitted in a strip of waste yarn, planning to let her knit just a tube to the toe, and then I would go back and add an Afterthought Heel later. That was the plan, but the sock I have been knitting for Gma from the Bernat acrylic sock yarn was just a little too thick for the size 1 needles I was using, and it was straining my old tendonitis, so I gave that sock to Kim to work on and I kept her sock to work on. It looked so cool to keep on knitting a tube with the stripe of waste yarn, that I couldn't stop knitting on it, and I finished the toe at work last night. Unfortunately, I calculated wrong for the foot length, so I had to rip back the toe and make the foot shorter, but before I did that, I painstakingly picked out the waste yarn (and there must be an easier way to do that!) and knitted the heel, which is really just another toe. Then I tried it on, and wow, what a great fit! I love that heel! Picking out the waste yarn, though, not so much. I'll have to work on that, because I intend to make all my toes that way in the future! Woot!


Brown Sheep Handpaint Wildefoot sock for Inger, first sock done, about 3 inches down on the second sock.

Oatmeal Fortissima 1000 socks (with Afterthought Heel), first sock done.

Grandma's colorful socks, first sock almost done.

Started a purse in Red Lamb's Pride wool that Diana gave me last year, planning to felt the purse when it's done. Yeah, we'll see how that goes. Karin started one, too.

11:36 p.m. - 2004-07-26


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