monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am knitting. So what's new?

Woke up at two in the afternoon, to the sound of pouring rain. I wasn't surprised, since it has rained every day this week, but today Kim had a harp gig at a wedding in the park! Oops! She had already gotten a call from the bride to tell her of the location change - a big, very old, stone church downtown. I would have liked to see the inside of that church, but since Rich is the one who is able to manhandle the harp around on the dolly, he gets to actually take her to wherever she plays. Kim said the church was beautiful, but smelled like cigarettes.

I spent the afternoon doing, well, nothing. No wait, I made bread! I've been wanting some really good whole wheat bread, so I went shopping with Ruthann, who always needs to go shopping when I do, and bought some flour and stuff, and made the bread.

I spent some time in the yarn room, sorting patterns that I've printed from the internet or ganked from other sources, and putting them into plastic page protectors. My plan is to eventually put the patterns into binders. Then I'll be so organized I won't know what is left to do with my life, and I'll probably die.

Then I ripped out the two sleeves I knitted for Kim's hoodie, and started over with a top-down pattern that is knit all in one piece. I don't know what I was even thinking to have started knitting something that needs to have a half-dozen pieces sewn together at the end. I must have been delirious. I feel so much better now that I'm back on the true path of top-down knitting. Whew!

I had an email from Diana's dad today, reminding me that it is Gma's birthday! I remembered it last week, and intended to send a card, one from my massive collection of greeting cards that I buy when I see something funny and then save for an occasion, but then when the occasion arrives I forget to send them. As I did this time.

So instead I called Gma and all of the old people were napping, recovering from the big birthday bash the night before! It was Shirley's son's birthday, too, so they invited everyone over and cooked, and had a great time. I'm so glad that Gma is staying with people who are so nice and who really enjoy her company! That really takes the burden of guilt off of my shoulders, and I hope all of Gma's children are appreciating this, too! I was complaining in my head the other day because Gma and Shirley were demanding asking me to knit this and that for them, but I just need to shut up and knit, because I am so grateful that Gma is living with S&D and not me. (Oh, I'm going to Hell for that one.)

So here I am back at work and life is good. I have my knitting, my book (Agatha Christie, The Moving Finger - in large print which is the best for propping up to read while knitting), and a cold Diet Pepsi.

Scott is coming home in 27 days!

11:16 p.m. - 2004-08-28


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