monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Hooker purse, my ass!

Day one of Phentermine.

Woke up at 1 and went to BK with Ruthann. Had 1/2 Whopper and a Diet Coke.

Ran errands, including dropping off overdue books at the library, mailing cards to my VT route, shopping for a purse at JCPenney and lipstick at Walgreen.

Found two purses, one pink (!) and one black. Wanted both, bought neither. Bought one lipstick, decided it is a little darker than I like for day wear, but I like the feel of it. It's Revlon Colorstay. Hours later, it's still on!

Went home, changed purses, swapping a brown hobo bag (Coach, ancient) from the back of my closet, for the huge black lose-everything-in-the-bottom bag I've been using.

Kim called after cross-country practice, needed a ride home to get a sweatshirt to wear in the Homecoming parade in one hour. Went to pick up Kim, drinking a bottle of water because my mouth was dry, didn't want to drink a Diet Pepsi because I was already feeling a pretty good buzz from the Phen, and I didn't want my head to explode.

Took Kim to get a hamburger and left her to eat it in the car while I went back into Penney and bought a purse because I hate the hobo bag. All my stuff was in a pile in the bottom of it! Looked at the purses I liked 2 hours ago, and then a little old lady came up and bought one of them. I turned my attention elsewhere. Ended up buying a red leather bag that I like a lot. (Me to Scott: Look at my cool new bag! Scott: Nice hooker bag, I mean, uh, nice!)

Washed the dog's smelly muzzle - Scott held her in place next to the tub, I scrubbed her chin with dog shampoo and rinsed it with the shower massage. Dried her well and gave her a biscuit.

Sent Kim to walk to the meeting place for her group in the parade because the parade route is near our house this year and the traffic was so terrible driving home from the store that I didn't want to go back out in it.

Waited for Ruthann to arrive so we could walk the 3 blocks to see the parade. Scott was watching Return of the King and refused to go. I don't blame him.

Ruthann brought her husband, too, and we all walked to the parade. Arrived a little late, missed the marching band, saw the floats, waved at Kim. When the parade passed our area, Ruthann and Russell walked back to my house where they had parked their car. I started walking toward the high school, as prearranged, to meet Kim who was supposed to start walking toward our house.

Walked and walked, picking up stray candy that was thrown from floats and putting it in my purse. Called Kim on her cell phone. She was still on the truck with the cross-country kids, having not yet arrived at the end of the parade route.

Kept walking. Called Kim again. This time she was at the school, going inside to fill her water bottle and then was going to start walking toward me. Called Rich and asked him to pick us up. Talked to a friend about knitting while I waited for Rich and Kim. Kim arrived, then Rich pulled up to the intersection, looking around for us, and we ran to jump in the car.

Whew! Home at last! Kim had blisters from running and they were bleeding through her bandages. Rich promised to write a note to excuse her from cross-country practice tomorrow so her feet can heal a little.

Ate a roast beef sandwich. Rich had pack meeting tonight (he's the new Packmaster, haha), so he had to leave and didn't have time to walk the dog. I promised to take her for a walk.

Watched the end of Return of the King (I really only like the first movie). Sent Kim up to take a hot bath and soak her feet. Scott and I walked the dog.

Took Scott and went to Blockbuster to return a movie, stopped at Walmart to buy bandages for Kim's feet as she has already used a whole box. Bought another lipstick, this time lighter.

Back at home, Scott looked at eBay and thought it was amazing. I looked at my email. Rich came home. He didn't ask if we had already walked her, so the dog scammed another walk. What a manipulater.

Kim was so tired she went to bed at 9. Rich went to bed at 9:30. Scott and I looked up things on eBay, and I bid on sock yarn. Scott found Kim's Gameboy SP and was playing Mariosomething when I left for work.

I'm a little tired now.

11:01 p.m. - 2004-09-29


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