monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

This was not the brightest and best day of my life, but I did manage to sleep a lot, so that was a good thing.

This morning I was supposed to meet with my boss at 7 a.m., the time when I am normally leaving work and he was 40 minutes late! I hate it when people are late, so I was annoyed to start with, and then I was so tired, it was like talking through a fog, and I was acting crabby, so I'm sure he thinks I'm the biggest bitch in the world now. (Kim's mom is a bitch, she's a really big bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world...)

At some point when I was sitting there in his office like a lump of evil clay, he asked if there was anything he could do to make my job better, and I said I would like one of those flat monitors for my PC, because the big monitor I have takes up so much room on my desk that I have a workspace the size of a kleenex! He picked up the phone, dialed the hardware room and asked one of the techs to put a flat-screen monitor on my desk today, and here I am tonight, typing at my new monitor! He hung up from that call and I thanked him, and he asked if I needed anything else, so I told him I'd like an ice-cream machine.

Then I went home and got into my bed, which was covered with cats, and slept until 1:30. That wasn't enough sleep, but I got up and called RA to see what she was doing today, and when I got done talking to her, it was time to pick up Kim. Scott went with me to pick her up so he could pump gas, and we dropped her off at home and then went to college to take my next test. Only 2 more units to go, and a paper to write, and I never have to take a class again.

It snowed all day today and the dog was pretty excited to be out in the snow tonight! When we went on her evening walk, it was dark out and the snow was still falling, and it was so pretty with all the houses lit up with Christmas lights!

After the walk I ate some dinner and went to bed. My wonderful bed, so warm, so newly filled with water (Rich did it over the Thanksgiving weekend - the bed was getting too flat so he added water and now it's heaven!), and I read a little of a badly-written murder mystery that I don't care about, but it's the only thing I have to read right now, and fell asleep until 10. I'm still a bit groggy, but happy to have slept more.


I finished Rachel's beautiful red Clapotis scarf on Saturday.

Working on:

Sock #2 of a white pair for Rachel.

Ribbed Watch cap for Inger's husband.

Reading: Nothing fun, just my Human Growth and Development book!

11:46 p.m. - 2004-11-30


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