monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


We did it for the cookies.

Scott amused himself this morning by watching Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon without the subtitles, to practice his Chinese.

In the afternoon we gave blood at the hospital blood drive. I haven't given blood in years, and I don't remember the questions being so rude! They asked if anyone had given me money or drugs in exchange for sex recently! Now what kind of question is that? If you were a man, they were curious about whether you had ever had intimate contact with another man, including that one time at summer camp. And if you have ever set foot in the United Kingdom, well, just forget it, they don't want your filthy contaminated blood, which makes me wonder what the hell those Brits have been doing??

They also give you a little slip of paper you can take home with you, in case you later remember that someone DID give you money in exchange for sex last week and you need to tell the blood bank about it.

Ugh, I feel so dirty now.

Afterward I put a sticker on Scott's shirt that said, "I did it for the cookies."

Kim wondered what anchovies taste like on pizza, so I made frozen pizza for supper, and added extra cheese and the contents of a can of anchovies. Well, she acted like she thought they tasted okay, but I thought they were gross, and so did Scott. He offered one to the cats but after they sniffed it cautiously, they turned up their noses at it.

I never got an evening nap, so I'm really tired at work tonight. I have another chapter to read in my HG&D book, but I doubt that I'll be able to stay awake while reading it. I've got the night off tomorrow, thank goodness, so I can get some sleep.


Blue Galway wool hat in the Twisted Watchcap pattern for Inger's husband.

Sock #1 in Wildefoot Licorice Twist for Scott.

Sock #2 in Cream WE for Rachel.

Pink Alpaca scarf for my brother's g/f.


Boring HG&D book.

2:15 a.m. - 2004-12-02


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