monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I slept for an hour before I came to work, too.

Wow, what a long day I had! Scott was supposed to leave this morning to go out of town, so I planned to stay up for a little while until he left. He was supposed to meet other people in Rockford at 8, and when his ride had not come to pick him up by 7:30, he called and found out that the other guy couldn't get the time off work so he wasn't going. Uh, here's an idea... call someone ahead of time, pal.

So I said I would drive him, and that started us out the door on an epic adventure involving many cell phone calls and much driving and swordfighting with Orcs, no, wait, that's a different story. When I finally got home and staggered into bed it was almost 10.

I woke up at about 2 and wavered back and forth for about 30 minutes about whether to get up and go to work and pick up my bonus check, thereby depositing it before any of my kited checks hit the bank, or should I go back to sleep and hope for the best? Finally I got up and went out to pick up the check.

When I got home I went to bed again and slept for a couple of hours, but I had planned to go deliver the socks for sale, and visit for a while, so I had to get up again! Waaahh! It was cool, though. I stopped to visit with Mary, who used to have the spinning wheel store where Rachel bought her wheel several years ago, and she had been putting up all of her Christmas trees, setting out her nutcracker collection, and her windmill nativity scenes! It was beautiful! I loved looking at every thing, and it was the most Christmas-y I've felt this year! One of her trees is covered with little sheep ornaments that she collects, and I mean it is covered thickly!

I'm still happy with our minimalist tree, though.

In knitting news, I finished the socks for sale yesterday, and then last night at work I finished a pair of Two-strand Woolease socks that have been resting in a basket for a long time. I brought the mitten to start making a mate, the one I mentioned the other day that I couldn't find the pattern for? Well I got a phone call from one of the nurses last night who asked if I ever made mittens, and she explained that she had broken her hand and needed a mitten to wear over her cast because her fingers were freezing. I told her to come to my office and try on the one I had with me, and it worked just fine! So I gave it to her and I don't have to make the second mitten.

I'm going to work on the vest for PBJ and get that done, and then maybe, maybe finish the two Dale sweaters that have been sitting in the yarn room for years! Maybe.

11:09 p.m. - 2004-12-20


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