monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I drove to a small town on rainy, unlighted roads.

Someone I know was scheduled to speak about raising historical breeds of sheep by 19th century farming methods at a historical museum in a small town not far from here tonight, and I wanted to go, not only to hear her speak, but to buy some of her yarn!

RA didn't want to go, and I'm still annoyed with her for changing the buttons on a sweater I knitted for her daughter's baby, so I didn't push her to go with me. I invited her, she said she'd think about it, and she never mentioned it again, and neither did I. I was kind of looking forward to going out without her, actually.

I also invited Heidi, but she couldn't make it, and I considered staying home to get a nap before work, but the call of the yarn was too strong! I really wanted to go out there and listen to someone talk about wool, and then buy some!

So at last, I cowboyed up and just went. It was raining a little when I left town, but it was just a little mizzly, not pouring down buckets, and I wasn't worried about the weather, although when I got there, the old dears at the historical museum kept apologizing for the terrible weather as if we'd had to plow through a hurricane to get there!

I did manage to find the place, but it was a good thing I gave myself plenty of time to get lost and drive around cursing, followed by a phone call to Barb, so she could look up the address in the phone book. She couldn't find it listed, but she called her daughter who used to drive with an ambulance crew and luckily she knew where it was. I had actually circled that block a couple of times, but the name of the place wasn't jumping out at me, and I just didn't see it.

The lecture was interesting and I bought some yarn afterward, but ow! my back! I was sitting in a horrible old chair and it was enormously uncomfortable!

By the time I got home it was too late for me to nap, but I expected that. I'll sleep when I'm dead tomorrow.

1:35 a.m. - 2007-11-21


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