monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


It's so hot in this office!

Two days off wasn't enough! I want more time at home, to watch movies and knit!

So I'm back at work tonight, and it's too hot in here, and Barb was a big whiner when I came in tonight. But I've got my knitting and a Georgette Heyer book to read, so I'm happy.

I have to do the new stuff that I've been getting trained to do, all by myself tonight. I am not going to panic, however. I'm sure it will be fine.

I'm on sock #2 of the second pair of Socks For Sale. Rachel is on the second sock of the pair she is knitting, also. She started a sweater on Sunday, the same one that Karin and I are making, so our Knit-A-Long is expanding!

We rented some movies today - Alex and Emma, which Rachel has been very eager to see, and we were both disappointed with it. I picked one called Men with Brooms, about curling, and I thought it might suck because it had Leslie Nielson in it, and I was right. It started sucking almost immediately, and we turned it off after just 15 minutes, and we never even saw Mr. Nielson. We have two more, one of which is The Good Girl, and I know it's good, I just rented it so Rachel can watch it. I forgot the name of the other one.

I got very excited when I saw PS Your Cat is Dead on the shelf at Blockbuster, but there weren't any copies in the store, and the clerk said one of them should be there, but she couldn't find it. We'll check on Wednesday when we return Alex and Emma. PS Your Cat is Dead was my favorite book for a while when I was 20, and I was looking for a used copy recently on Amazon. I'm looking forward to seeing the movie! I don't have really high hopes for it, though, since Steve Gutenberg is in it. I think he's darling and all, but his presence in a movie is not a good omen. Sort of like when you see that a movie has Leslie Nielson, or a member of the Friends cast in it, you know it's going to suck. (The Good Girl is the only exception to that rule.)

12:03 a.m. - 2004-01-06


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