monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm sure they smell.

I would just like you to know that I wrote a long journal entry yesterday, and it was eaten by diaryland, so now you'll never get to read it.

Rachel left to go back to school today. When I got home from work I slept for a couple of hours and then woke up to the sound of a cat horking in my room, but I went back to sleep again after that. An hour later I woke up again, and I just really wanted to go out to breakfast, so I got up and found that Rachel had been gathering up all of her stuff to take back to school with her and it was all piled up in the living room.

We went to breakfast at Prime Table, the premier gathering place in this town for the elderly, and we ate a huge breakfast! We were just shoveling it in!

Then we walked from the restaurant to the grocery store, about 200 steps, and bought some traveling snacks for Rachel. We walked all the way back to the car, carrying our little bags of groceries, and I was thinking of calling it exersize, but Ruthann made me go to Curves later anyway.

So Rachel left about 2, and Ruthann came over and forced me to go to Curves after we picked up Kim from school, and when I got home, I took some Tylenol PM and went back to sleep about 5. Rich woke me up at 10:15 to ask if I had to go to work, and yes, I did!

So I didn't get a shower, I just grabbed my work bag and came to work. To hear Barb complain, you would think that she is the only person who works a lot around here, but she doesn't work more than I do, in fact, I believe I have worked more lately than she has, but oh my goodness, the whining! "I'm going to end up on Telemetry if this keeps up!" Yeah, well, if you were a patient in the hospital, at least I wouldn't have to listen to the pitiful sniveling every day!

I got the new Arans and Celtics book in the mail today and it has some nice things in it that I would like to make, but nooooo, I have to work on the Socks for Sale! 4 pairs to go, and all of them are for men with big fat long feet, probably sweaty, too, but I prefer not to think about what happens to the socks when they leave me.

11:34 p.m. - 2004-01-08


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