monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm sure all this daylight isn't good for me.

I spent most of the day sitting in a chair in my living room, watching the first 3 episodes of Six Feet Under. Oh my goodness, I love that show!! I have another disk at home to watch tomorrow, and a third disk on the way from Netflix that will be here on Saturday. It's just so great! I love the characters, I love the family dynamics, I love the relationships outside of the family, and I always love looking at any business from the inside, so that is a huge part of the charm of the show, too.

About 15 yrs ago I had a friend who had attended mortuary school and she used to fascinate me with stories about how body preservation works. I hope she watches the show!

I found Kim's blue sweater, one that I knitted for her and that she wears all the time, lying on the floor in the bathroom this morning. I noticed when I picked it up, that it had a small tear in the back, and also that it was very dirty. It's made of some wool that I bought at Blackberry Ridge about 4 years ago, so she can't just throw it in the washer, and I couldn't remember the last time it had been handwashed.

I couldn't find the original wool in the yarn room and admittedly I didn't look very hard, but I found some of about the same color and mended the tear by doing a kitchener stitch over the four stitches, and then I washed it in the kitchen sink. I felt really competent and domestic after that!

I took a break from Six Feet Under to go to Curves where I worked very hard. On the way home Ruthann said she thinks she needs to go every day, but I really don't feel the need to go that often. I already have a hobby.

Speaking of my hobby, I am almost finished with the 4th pair of Socks for Sale. I'm excited for Sarah, who has finished two of her long-term projects this month! Yay! My goal is to finish the pair tonight. What will I do then? Why, cast on for another pair, of course.

This is my last day on the afternoon shift, and I'm so glad! I'm tired of all these phone calls! Although being awake during the daylight hours is pleasant.

6:45 p.m. - 2004-01-15


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