monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I don't function.

I went to Curves with Ruthann today and when we parked, we were near a car with a license plate frame that said, "I'd rather be knitting,".

Naturally when we got inside I was scanning the other patrons, looking for a knitter! I asked the woman on the machine next me about the car, and guess what? I got it right the first time!

So that was fun, she was just finishing her workout, and she walked around the machines with me chatting while I used the equipment, and before she left, she gave me her phone number and email address.

One thing she mentioned was that she loves making two socks at the same time on two circular needles! That is a technique that I'm not excited about, but I know a lot of people are just thrilled with it. I tried it with one sock on circulars when I first heard of it on the knitlists, but I thought it was a little too much trouble. I have no problem knitting with DPNs, but I suppose for people who do, well, it's a good thing for them.

However, since I am completely sick of making the Socks for Sale, and would like to finish them as soon as possible, I thought I would give it a try with two socks on two circs. OMG! What a nightmare!

I printed the directions from a website and cast on, started knitting and yes, it just ended up a hideous tangle of needles and yarn and I finally had to stop before my head exploded. I went to lie down in a darkened room until my headache went away, and later I ripped it all out. Yeah, that was a complete waste of time. I see how it works, and there are evidently people who find it to be a wonderful technique, but I never want to do anything that makes me work that hard again.

While I was slaving over the failed sock experiment, Rich was putting plastic on our living room windows. It's like 5 degrees here, and we are cold! I hate plastic on windows; I hate it when there are bits of leftover tape sticky crap stuck to the window frames, and I hate it when the paint comes off when the tape bits are peeled off. So I whined that it was going to look like dog shit, and Rich assured me patiently that he would do his best not to make it look like dog shit. He is so good to me.

I still don't have draperies in that living room after living in the house for 10 years, we just have blinds with cat windows broken into them (you know, where cats stick their heads through the slats to look out the windows - don't tell me you don't have cat windows in your blinds?), so when I was upstairs lying down after the sock debacle, I called Ruthann to whine, and tomorrow we are going to Walmart, my favorite decorating outlet, to buy some sheers to hang up. It's one step closer to draperies!! I have a catalog she gave me to order the draperies, I just haven't done it. Hmm, just a few days ago I threw away the old catalog she gave me, and I think I had one before that...

I think I'm disfunctional.

11:02 p.m. - 2004-01-19


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