monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I paid someone to shovel my walk because I'm lazy - no, I'm busy. Yeah, that's it.

Ugh, what a day. It snowed last night and most of this morning, and my neighbor had to get out his snowblower and clean his driveway that is right under my bedroom window. I hate him.

I kept trying to sleep through the snowblowing, but it just seemed to go on forever and finally it must have stopped, but then Kim called to say that I could come pick her up. It was only 12:30! Apparently it was a half-day of school but I wasn't aware of it. I never am, really.

So I dragged downstairs, and Rich was just arriving home for lunch, so I sent him to pick up Kim. I had a dentist appointment at 2 to start dreading!

The visit to the dentist was to do an onlay in a tooth that had a filling a long time ago, but now the tooth is cracked. Probably from all those Jordan Almonds. This is the first time I've had work done by this guy and he was great! Yes, it was a good experience; fast, efficient, and painless! I love him!

When I got home a kid who looked between 16 and 20 was in my driveway, asking if he could shovel my walk for 2 dollars? I told him that wasn't enough, and I paid him 8 dollars. He did a fabulous job! I told him to come back next time it snows!

I had to come to work at 7 because Barb is having another family crisis. So here I am, on less than 5 hours sleep and my mouth tastes terrible from dental work - waaaahhh!

11:00 p.m. - 2004-01-27


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