monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


The weather outside is frightful.

I would have written this at work last night, but the Diaryland site was down for maintenance. I am home now, and just had some breakfast, so I thought I'd write a bit before I go to bed.

I finished the sixth pair of socks last night! Yay! Now I need to decide which of my projects to finish. I want to get the vest for Elder Harrison done, and then I think I'll hurry and finish the sweater I started for Scott last year. Then I can mail both of them early next week.

I want to make a cardigan for Kim, too. I'm still waiting for a pattern that I ordered from Verna for a cabled cardi,

and the one that I started with Karin needs to be ripped out and started over. I don't like the way I did the increases, and I tried to talk myself into ignoring them, but no, it's just bugging me, so I'm going to rip it. I've only knitted about 5 inches, so I don't have much time invested in it.

Last night I was skimming a book-seller website called A Common Reader, and they mentioned an author who was very famous in Victorian times, but I'd never heard of her! She wrote mysteries, so I looked for her on Project Gutenberg and started reading one of her books last night. Her name is Mary Elizabeth Braddon, and the book I'm reading (and loving!) is Lady Audley's Secret. She's great, and I can't believe I had never heard of her.

I'm going to bed now. Oh, and it's -5 degrees outside! So bed is a good place to be.

7:17 a.m. - 2004-01-29


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