monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I babble about knitting.

Now that I'm done with the Socks from Hell for Sale, I am working on stuff I want to knit! Woot! Yes, it's pretty darned exciting!

I finished the cabled vest for Scott's companion, and I just need to weave in the ends! I'm planning to mail it to him this week along with the Return with Honor sweater for Scott. The Return with Honor sweater is a dark brown wool with light brown and white colorwork at the top of the sleeves and across the chest. I know some of you have seen it - it's been sitting, half done, in a basket in the den for months - but now I'm finishing it! I did the sleeves first, so when the body is done, I'll sew in the sleeves and it's all done. I love doing the sleeves first because when the body is done, you're mostly done!

It's called the Return with Honor sweater because when the sweater is done, I'll knit those words and the year into the hem. I made one for Rachel when she went on her mission, and I wanted to do one for Scott, too.

The Knit-A-Long sweater I started with Karin in December (and Rachel is making one, too), had to be ripped out and restarted because I didn't follow the instructions (why would I do that?). The pattern called for M1 increases and I wanted to do lazy increases by just knitting into the front and back of the stitch. Hmm, they didn't look as good. So I ripped it out and started over and it looks great. I'm almost back to the place where I was when I tore it apart, and it's my work knitting tonight because it's mindless stuff I can do while I read.

Now that I'm finishing stuff, I have to have some new things to start, so I've been pondering a vest for Rachel. I thought about using a plain button front v-neck pattern from Knitting Pure and Simple, but no, it was too plain. I thought of a cabled pattern, and Rachel suggested a ribbed vest, but then as I thought about it tonight, I remembered seeing a picture of a finished project on someone's knitblog - it's called Cul de Sac, and it's a pattern from Knitter's magazine, Fall 2003.

I hated all the patterns in that issue of the magazine on first glance, but then it started turning up on other people's blogs and it looked good! Here's a link to the blog of someone who finished one, so you can see it. I found the magazine in (one of) the piles in my bedroom and brought it to work to look at it carefully tonight. Yes, that's right, I'm going to carefully read the directions before I start! What's up with that?

Apparently there was some sort of sporting event on television today, but I was able to completely avoid it by finally watching Vibes with Kim and Rich. It was entertaining, but not anything fantastic. Kim asked if that was Cyndi Lauper's real hair, haha! Jeff Goldblum looked young and beautiful, and oh my goodness, Steve Buschemi was in it, in a small part as Cyndi Lauper's sort-of boyfriend. He looked the same, but younger.

We're expecting a snowstorm tomorrow, and it's so reassuring to know that if we do get all that snow that's predicted, the cute kid will come back and shovel so we don't have to.

11:29 p.m. - 2004-02-01


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