monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am just as inventive as a monkey.

So last night there was a little excitement at work when the Meditech system crashed! Meditech is the system the hospital uses for registration and other important functions, so it was pretty hectic this morning when people started arriving at work and finding that the system was down. Billy No-mates had come in to work at 3 a.m. and had been working on it all night, and I must say, he does a good job and is very professional and not whiny at all. Not like in his personal life.

I'm back tonight and it appears that everything is running properly again, except that some of the stuff I normally do at night can't be done until yesterday's work that was lost in the crash is redone, and someone else is going to do it tomorrow on the day shift. Yay! So I'm going to sit on my butt and knit and read and eat Goldfish crackers in many colors!

We're having the big snowstorm today and tonight that was predicted. My shoveling kid (and did I mention that I asked him for his name and it turns out that he was Scott's best friend in Kindergarten?) came by and shoveled tonight but I was asleep and Kim didn't mention to Rich that he was out there, so no one paid him. Oh well, there'll be more snow tomorrow and he'll be back.

When I woke up at 1:30 today the snow was barely starting so I picked Kim up from school and then met Ruthann back at my house and we went to Curves, then to the library, the gas station and picked up hamburgers at BK for dinner. The snow kept getting heavier as we drove around! We were slipping and sliding all over the place, and I was so happy to get home!

The sweater for Scott is almost done! I finished the body tonight and I'll knit the hem tomorrow. Then I just need to sew it together, and that requires a trip to Ruthann's house to use the sewing machine. I have to steek the armholes - sew seams and then cut them open between the seams and sew in the sleeves! I should have the sweaters in the mail for Scott and Elder Harrison by the end of the week.

I brought the cabled hooded cardi to work tonight again. It's pretty good work knitting; easy to knit while I read, but oops, I forgot to bring a cable needle, so I'm using a coffee stirrer that I found in the desk drawer. I can make tools! Just like a chimp.

12:09 a.m. - 2004-02-03


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