monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I complain - a lot.

I didn't write anything yesterday because there is really nothing going on at all. I had a doctor appt., but I'm not sick, I just made the appt. so that I could get established with a new doctor before I need her, and to get some Xanax before I need it to fly to Arizona. Oh, and I needed a new inhaler, but not desperately.

So I went to the doctor appt. and forgot about my appt. for a cut and color, so damn it, now I have to make another appt to get my hair done.

Then I went home and knitted. I picked up stitches around the bottom of Scott's sweater and then realized that I needed to pick them up through the back of the loops so the hem will turn under properly, so I pulled the stitches out and started over. I knitted a couple of rounds, but then I was tired, so I went upstairs to get a nap before work.

Today I graphed out the chart for the letters that I'm going to knit into the hem, and I knitted about three rows of the chart before I realized that I was knitting the lettering on the wrong side of the sweater. I pulled the stitches out and started again, only to find that I had missed a letter somewhere and had to rip back to put it in, but that means the words are not quite centered, but you know what? Screw it. It's fine.

I was working on it after I went to the church where I was supposed to be teaching a sign language class to two people who asked me to teach them, and they didn't show up. This is the third week we've scheduled it, and the first week I called them to say I was too tired and I found that their son was sick, so they couldn't make it. Fine, but they hadn't called to tell me that. Then last week, it was horribly cold and I was tired, so I called them and they were thinking it was too cold, too, but again, they hadn't called me. This week I went to the church, and they weren't there, but hadn't called me, so I watched a tape with Ruthann in the library and when it was over I went home. I'm not going to try to meet with them again. I'm not my mom, and I don't feel the need to push everyone in the world to learn ASL, and in fact, I usually blow off people who want to learn because I know they don't actually know any deaf people and won't ever use their minimal signing skills. I only agreed to teach these two because they are a couple, so they can practice together and because she needs to learn because she works with handicapped students and she is getting a deaf girl in her class in the next school year. If they ask me about it again, I'm going to refer them to the continuing education classes at the community college - sometimes they offer signing classes. They just don't want it bad enough for me to waste my valuable knitting time on them.

So I went home and bitched to Rich about it, and then I sat down and ripped out the hem of Scott's sweater a couple of times and by then I needed a nap.

I called my boss today to find out what the scoop is on the scheduling now that Bimbolina is leaving for another job, and he has this plan and that plan, blah blah blah fishcakes, and it just sounds like a lot more work for Barb and me. At least for a while.

Could my life get any better?

12:10 a.m. - 2004-02-05


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