monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I am overcome by morbid dread.

So we got a dog today. It's an Old English Sheepdog puppy. Very cute, but very annoying. I don't want to be the dog's sole entertainment tonight, but Rich and Kim went on the youth temple trip and left me alone with Ms. Annoying Puppy. Who wants to chew things, like my fingers, ouch! Sharp puppy teeth!

The cats hate her, so they are no help in the entertainment department, and I'm tired, so could I just please go to bed now? I haven't caught up my sleep deficit from last week!

Yesterday I had many phone conversations with my boss, as he reworked our schedule to cover the gaps left by Bimbolina's departure to another department. The upshot is that Barb and I will be working a lot over the next couple of weeks. Good, because I need a big check, but it means I'll need to sleep a lot, too.

Oh good, the dog is laying by my feet, napping. Oh, we're calling her Buffy. We have to register a name on her AKC registration, so we're going to call her Buffy the Glampyre. I'm so witty.

Another person I talked to yesterday was our insurance agent. I called him last month to cancel a very old life insurance policy that we took out on Rich when our kids were little. I don't remember what reason we had, but I think it was very cheap, and it was enough to pay off the house we lived in if he died. Well I wanted to cancel it, and the agent urged me to hang onto it until February, when it would pay another dividend and be worth a small but nice amount of money. Oh, okay! I didn't know we would get anything from it if we canceled, so that was a pleasant surprise.

So now it's February and I was going to cancel it, but he urged me to keep it, as it would still be a good thing to have in the event of Rich's death. He was very persuasive, and even though I don't think anything is going to suddenly happen to Rich, I got a little spooked by the discussion. I told him I would think about it, but really, I wanted to cancel the policy and take the money!

Then I sat in front of the computer, reading online journals and the first one I opened up mentioned the writer's friend, whose husband just died of a heart attack in his early 40's. That seemed like a neon warning sign! I worked in an office next to ER registration in the hospital for a few years, and I have a morbid turn of mind, so I'm always expecting sudden death, anyway.

So Rich was getting ready to leave for his karate class and we had discussed it and agreed that we should just hang on to the policy because you never know, and we had been going to use some of the dividend check to buy a puppy, but as he left we had pretty much decided that wasn't going to happen.

2 hours later Rich came home and said, "I think we should cancel the policy and buy the dog!" So Kim and I got all excited, especially Kim, and I told Rich that I had already called the breeder and told her that we had decided against the dog, but he pulled the number out of the trash and called the breeders again and told them we had talked about it some more and that we really wanted to buy the dog!

Then last night we were in bed, talking about getting a puppy and where it would sleep, and planning for Rich to take the afternoon off to pick it up with me, and after Rich fell asleep, I started worrying about you know, him having a heart attack or a car accident and kicking off and how I would be wishing that I hadn't cancelled that little policy, etc. I was getting panicky about it, so this morning I told him about it, and well, now we have a dog and a life insurance policy. Yeah, I'm feeling secure now.

5:47 p.m. - 2004-02-06


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