monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which everything becomes a toy.

Our living room floor is covered with dog toys, and Rich is laying on the floor with his puppy. The list of things that a puppy considers toys is as follows:

  • stuffed carnival toy that is either a bear or a mouse

  • round glass cup/candleholder thingy with a vanilla candle in it

  • squeaky long-armed monkey that Rachel gave me for Christmas - the joke's on the dog, because it really is a dog toy.

  • two sticks that she brought in from the yard

  • two empty toilet-paper tubes

  • an old black leather glove

  • a length of leash with a knot tied in it

  • a piece of thick knotted rope - a gift from Ruthann

In other words, the dog will play with anything that she is allowed to have, and some things she's not - I had to rescue one of Kim's hundred-dollar running shoes from her yesterday.

Today we are calling her Buffy Underfoot (her hobbit name) because she is constantly in the way.

The cats hate her slightly less than they did yesterday. They at least stayed in the same room with her today. Zorro spent most of the day yesterday perched on top of the microwave oven, just watching. Today all of the cats sat on chairs in the living room, still watching. Patsy has been openly hostile, hissing mightily and growling when the curious puppy tries to get a closer look at him.

Buffy doesn't understand the hissing and the growling, she listens and looks curious, like, "What? What?" and Patsy just hisses and growls some more, "We hates it!"

7:36 p.m. - 2004-02-08


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