monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Bonus page

Possible reasons why Alexis can't go into the Jacobson's house:

1. They are quarantined with Scarlet Fever.

2. Cassidy has accidently exploded a home-made nuclear device and there is a threat of exposure to radioactive material.

3. They are exploring the world of nudism.

4. Sandy has managed to clone some rare dinosaur DNA she found trapped in amber in the backyard and they are planning to open a dinosaur theme, wait...

5. Jason's girlfriend from his mission in CA has been stalking them and is holding them all hostage until he agrees to start answering her emails.

6. They have bought an expensive purebred puppy and the house is a disgusting mess until it gets housebroken... oh, never mind, that's our house.

7. They are studying Feng Shui and it takes days to place all the furniture exactly right and until the Chai is properly balanced, they can't let any foreign auras in.

8. The Venus Flytrap they have been growing from a bulb has gotten out of control! They're keeping Alexis out to save her life!

9. They're hosting Real World Edwardsville; the place is full of cameras and she hasn't signed a release to be shown on-camera.

10. Jason's hand is posessed by a killer and he's already killed everyone in the house and now he has to keep knitting to keep his hand busy so he doesn't kill anyone else. He loves Alexis too much to expose her to such danger. (No, that's Idle Hands, starring Devon Sawa, but I don't know how it ends because I didn't watch the whole thing.)

11:16 p.m. - 2004-02-14


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