monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


They weren't from London, they were from Blackpool.

I was dreading the journey to the concert on Friday. Not the concert itself, but the trip there and back - 6 hours traveling with Billy No-mates!

It wasn't as bad as I imagined, but then, nothing could have been that bad. It was actually fun, because we did some cool things like ride the el train, and we walked around down in the theater district and I got to look at people! However, the whole trip was made in the company of Billy No-mates, and even though Kim was there to joke with and look at things with me, I had to listen to Billy talk about his I-pass and his el train pass and the convenience of it all and how much money it saves - about 3 dollars every time he goes into the city, so I'm impressed. Geez.

So we got there and milled around in the lobby, just happy to be out of the cold, and I got to look at everyone and admire their clothes and watch people arrive in limosines (!) and then Billy noticed a guy outside smoking a cigarette and pointed him out to me as being attractive. I didn't agree, but then I'm not interested in young boys, but I kept an eye on him so that I wouldn't miss an opportunity to chat him up so Billy could meet him, since I'm all helpful like that.

The young man was with a girl who was pretty and had an interesting face, and they weren't acting like a couple, so that was promising.

When we finally got into the theater, I made straight for the t-shirt counter and bought a shirt for Kim and for Rachel, who wanted to be there, but had classes all day. She was driving up to Freeport after her last class. I had to borrow 10 dollars from Billy because the t-shirt place didn't take plastic and I didn't have quite enough cash. He made a remark about being my sugar daddy, ewwww.

We had tickets for the upper upper level, but it's a smallish theater, so all the seats are pretty good. The ushers weren't letting us in to be seated yet, so I sent Kim off to the ladies room to put on her new t-shirt and when she came back I found some big silver hoop earrings in my purse for her to put on, too. She was very cute!

(Note: I need a bigger purse, a good looking large tote kind of thing. Sarah, please find a good Coach bag for me.)

Suddenly Young Smoking Guy and his friendgirl were standing near us and he asked us if we knew what time it was! Kim looked at her watch and he thanked her in a British accent which radically upped his cuteness points! It turns out that the two of them had come all the way from the UK for the concert! Apparently the guy, whose name was Nathan, loves Cyndi Lauper, and he said she doesn't tour in the UK.

We were all talking, and one of us, I think me, mentioned going backstage to meet Cyndi after the show, and the girl, Emma (love that name!), ran off to talk to the ushers to see about getting backstage! She thought, quite rightly, too, that Cyndi would want to meet them because they had traveled all that way to see the show! The ushers directed her to the house manager, who told her to write a note to be carried to Cyndi, and they could possible get on the list of people allowed backstage. We gave them paper and a pen, and then we parted to go to our seats, so we never found out if they got to go backstage or not. I did say, as we talked with Nathan while Emma went to find the house manager, that I thought she was "Dead brave!" Nathan agreed! I can speak Brit!

The show was fun, the guy sitting in front of me was having the time of his life, and we enjoyed ourselves. There was a sign language interpreter, so that was interesting. I watched her a little, but she didn't seem to be familiar with the songs, so that made her job a little more difficult.

Oh, the opening act was a woman who played the electric violin and sang some songs that all sounded the same to me. One of the songs was in Chinese, she said, but it sounded just like the others. The interpreter was almost visibly perspiring with those incomprehensible lyrics!

Kim wanted me to buy her CD, but umm, no.

El train back to the parking lot, 2 hours back to Freeport, and I had a Harry Potter book on CD in my snack bag (I don't like to leave town without at least a box of cookies and a can of Pepsi), but would Billy listen to it? No, he likes to listen to his music. That would be the same mix CD we listened to on the way to Chicago, and we had to listen to it all the way home. I'm very tired of the dance mix version of the Queer Eye theme song. Please.

Kim slept all the way home in the backseat, and I knitted and prayed for release. I hadn't brought more of the sock yarn that I needed, so you know what I had to do! Uh huh, I ripped out 4 inches of sock and re-knitted it to save my sanity. Knitting for Your Life, that's what it's all about.

This is what an old lady Billy is, I swear. He almost had a heart attack when Kim passed me the bag of Bugles and spilled some on the spotless floor of his car, so when we stopped I scooped up the biggest pieces and threw them back in the bag, but when we got back to my house, he was practically on his hands and knees, picking up every last crumb! Example number two is that when we got in the house, I had to call him to see if I'd forgotten something in the car, and he said yes, he had it, and I said he must be ready to fall into bed as it was 2 a.m. and he said, no, he was going to enter all the data from the evening. Enter the data? Yes, he has to calculate every mile and every dime spent at the end of day. I'm rolling my eyes just thinking about it.

Oh, and Rachel was sleeping on the couch when we got home, so that we could tell her all about the concert when we came in! The puppy was sleeping on her feet, so she woke up when Rachel did, and I knew Buffy needed to go out immediately but I had to pee so I ran to the bathroom, yelling to Rachel to keep an eye on the dog and when I came out, the dog had peed on the floor! I was yelling and dragging the puppy outside and Rachel said she didn't know that "Keep an eye on the dog" meant that she shouldn't let it pee on the floor! I guess she thought it meant to watch it pee on the floor!

So I need to get a crate, because the housebreaking thing isn't going so well.

11:21 p.m. - 2004-02-14


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