monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


They'll be sorry when I'm gone!

I really wish the day had gone better, but now I'm back at work and feeling better just because it's quiet and I'm alone. The 3 hour nap this evening helped, too.

I didn't go right to sleep when I got home this morning because every time I tried, I was interrupted, once by the sound of crackling paper at the end of my bed that I tried to ignore, but finally I looked, and Buffy had a skein of yarn in her mouth and was trying to jump up onto the bed with it! The crackling I heard was the label. So I had to drag out of bed, yell at everyone to watch the damn dog, and close the door of the yarn room! (Rachel was home this weekend, and the yarn room door is usually shut except when she is home and sleeping up there.)

I slept for about 4 hours and woke up when the girls got home from church. Rich had to leave church before the end, to go run a TaeKwonDo testing session, so Rachel taught the rest of the nursery class for him. His parents were watching television and taking care of the dog while I slept, and they had picked up KFC for lunch.

Rachel packed and left by 2, and wasn't very excited to get back to her apartment and face the Roommate Wars, but she does have classes to go to, between skirmishes. (She called me tonight when she got home and said that when she got there she found out that the problem roommate is moving out today! So now there will be peace in the apartment.)

Kim needed a nap before her BYC meeting at 5:30, so Rich's parents went back to the hotel to relax. They'll be back in the morning to go to Chicago with Rich and Kim to pick up the new harp!! They're all planning to tour the harp factory and take pictures.

So I was dying to go back to sleep, but I had to stay awake until I could take Kim to her meeting, then I planned to go to bed. Rich would be back in time to pick her up afterward.

The puppy was awake and messing around the house, irritating the cats and whatnot, and I was reading journals on the computer in the den. I smelled something fruity, and became aware of a small noise behind me and found Buffy chewing on a candle that she stole off of a table in the den. What a brat.

So I talked to Rachel on her cell as she drove back to school, called Ruthann, and then got a call from Olga, who was filling out an application for the night operator job on the switchboard. I mentioned it to her the other day, because I was trying to think of someone, anyone, who might be interested - not everyone wants to work nights! - and I thought I remembered that she used to work nights in a hospital as a CNA. She was very interested, and went right out to pick up an application! She dropped it off at the HR office dropbox already today, so cool! I hope it works out. She plans to keep cleaning houses, too, so that's good, because someone's got to clean the bathrooms at my house!

I took the puppy out to potty when it was time to go to Kim's meeting, and I decided to take Buffy with us, just for a ride and because I hate to leave her alone in the house to destroy things. Oh my goodness, by the time I got the damn dog to quit chewing on sticks and get in the car, I was using very bad language!

Then we drove around, looking for the house Kim was supposed to go to, and couldn't remember which house it was. That neighborhood is all twisty and turny and the houses all look alike, so there was more cursing and finally I called a friend to ask for the house number, but I didn't check the street name, so Kim went up to knock at a door and oops, it was the wrong house! Then I called Ruthann and she sent me to the right street, but oh man, it was all very stressful because I was so freaking tired!!

Back at home, I couldn't get the dog to follow me upstairs (I really need to get a cattle prod) so I lay on the bed with the door open, listening to her getting into things downstairs and finally she wandered up to my room. She went into the bathroom and I shut the door on her with a feeling of exquisite relief! Until she started fussing and I was prepared to ignore that, but then I heard her knocking things off of the counter (and I don't know how she managed it because she's too short to get on my bed by herself!) so finally I got up and brought her into my room and she was sniffing around, but Patsy, who had been laying at the end of my bed, was having a hissing fit, so I got up and tossed Patsy out the door into the hall and shut the dog into the bedroom with me! Yay! The dog went to sleep and so did I, although I did lay there hating Rich for going away and leaving me there to do everything all afternoon. I fell asleep imagining how sad and regretful he would be if he came home and found my dead body in our room with the dog chewing on the corner of the comforter. Yeah, then he'd be sorry!

When I woke up, it was 9-ish and Kim was home and Rich was home and the puppy was passed out on the living room floor in the middle of a pile of newspapers and empty Gatorade bottles - her current favorite toys.

I've got a sore-ish throat now, and I hope that goes away, but you know I was exposed to all those strangers on the train and at the concert on Friday, and who knows where they've been...

11:49 p.m. - 2004-02-15


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