monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Kim's harp, Elijah's chest (or lack thereof).

OMG, I found another knitting blog, Beetle Blog and it made me go to and order 4 new fantasy novels! The blogger is a man, married with children, who appears to be LDS, and reads a lot of fantasy! Now why can't Rachel meet someone like him? I wonder if he has a younger brother?

I didn't do much of anything today. I woke up at noon to take the dog outside to potty, and then I just hung around the den, hoping to get an email from Scott, but I never did. He should be getting his new companion this week, so maybe he was too busy to email. Darn.

Rich and Kim were in Chicago, picking up the new harp, and they didn't get back until about 5. I didn't want to go back to sleep, leaving the dog alone all afternoon to destroy things and pee on the floor, so I knitted on the last pair of Socks for Sale and watched a movie from Netflix.

It was a movie that I ordered for Kim's benefit because Elijah Wood is in it, but when she found out that it was rated R, she didn't think she should watch it. After watching it myself, I think it really was more like a PG-13 movie, but I'm pretty jaded. There were a couple of things I wouldn't have wanted to have to explain to her, though, so I'm glad she didn't watch it. I told her later that it was rated R because it was such a lousy movie that kids shouldn't watch it. It was really ridiculous and the dialogue was terrible. Elijah Wood is weird-looking but strangely attractive, although I wish he had kept his shirt on. Some chests should not be exposed. Really.

I slept for a couple of hours in the evening, and then because I didn't go to Curves today, I did the two mile walk on my new walking DVD. I feel noble now because I exersized!

Kim would like me to tell everyone about her new harp!! It's beautiful, a mohogany color, and has gold plates on the face of it, with scrolling designs etched into them. I haven't heard her play it because she spent the evening doing homework and didn't have time to play for me, but she will tomorrow.

11:56 p.m. - 2004-02-16


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