monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Too tired to care.

OMG could I be more tired? I am sooo tired I can't even react to anything. I am too tired to despise all the callers to my switchboard like I normally do.

Kim's harp teacher gave her a lesson at our house today (in the summer she always teaches at our house, and during the school year they have lessons at school), and she loved the new harp and made a fuss over the new puppy, too. She said to me that she loved my laidback attitude to life, "Yeah, we've got a new harp, and a new puppy, yawn," and I said I only seem laidback right now because I'm too tired to care about anything. She should have seen me on Sunday night when I was running around screaming like a maniac!

So here I am back at work. This is the second of two 12-hour shifts this week, and then tomorrow I have my regular 11-7 shift and then two days off! Yay! I just want to stay in bed for two days, with some books and my laptop and my knitting - and the door closed to keep the puppy out!

This is the last night of knitting on the everlasting Socks for Sale!! I will be finishing this sock tonight if it kills me and then I want to knit something fun!! I might even buy some new yarn!

Last night was so long and dull that I asked Rich to drive me to the library so I could find something to read at work tonight. He hadn't been to the new library yet, so he got to look around while I browsed the stacks. We got take-out hamburgers for dinner, and we ate in the dining room, with the puppy looking at us through the gate.

When we first brought Buffy home, we put the baby gate across the cat's bathroom door so they could have their food and litter box in there with no interference from the dog. Then when the new harp came home, we decided to protect it from puppy teeth and paws, and we moved the gate to the kitchen doorway and closed the french doors into the living room, so the dining room and the cat's bathroom are now puppy-free areas. It's nice!

Now I'm thinking of cleaning the dining room (you know, moving all the piles of stuff out of the window seat, clearing the top of the piano, etc) and then maybe painting and hanging some draperies! I need Diana to come and help me!


1. Last sock for sale - will finish tonight

2. Nagano sweater -ignoring it.

3. Gjenske sweater - also being ignored.

4. Cabled hoodie for Kim (or Jeanette)

Look at my list! There are only two current items! I need to start something! This morning I was looking at the Winter 03/04 Vogue Knitting and found a pattern for gauntlets knitted with some beautiful yarn and I want to make a pair! I don't know who is goth enough to wear them - I don't even know what a person would wear them with, but I really want to make them!

8:35 p.m. - 2004-02-18


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