monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'll sleep when I'm dead.

You know how some days just really suck and some days are really great? Guess which one I had?

I woke up to a phone call from Hope, asking if I knew how Ruthann was feeling today?!? Uh, I have no idea, but thanks for calling to ask! So the phone call also woke up the dog, and I was too tired to get up to take her out to potty, and I looked at the clock and it looked like Rich would be home soon for lunch, so I ignored the puppy-shuffling-around sounds from downstairs and dozed off again, but then Olga showed up and the noise of the vacuuming woke me up again!

I don't know why she was at my house so early, but I could hear the puppy fussing in the den, so I knew she had put him there to keep him out of the way of the cleaning, which is fine, except that then I realized that it wasn't almost time for Rich to come home for lunch, it was earlier than I thought! I do that all the time; I wake up and look at the clock and get the time wrong. I must be an idiot. So I dragged out of bed and took the puppy outside, giving Olga a bitter glance as I passed by.

After the potty break, I took the puppy back upstairs with me and shut the door in my room to keep her there. I called Rich on the phone and whined about how tired I was, and he pretended to be sympathetic until I told him to quit it. Then I called Ruthann at work and she was ready for a lunch break! Yay! I got dressed and was going to take Buffy out with us, but Rich showed up at home at the same time that Ruthann drove up, and he took the dog out to lunch with him so I didn't have to!

Ruthann had a nail appointment at 1 and I had my hair appt. at 2:30, so she said she'd pick up Kim when her nails were done so I didn't have that to worry about. I was soooo tired that I went back home and dozed on my bed with my clothes on, but kept waking up, knowing I couldn't sleep through my hair appointment. I did consider just skipping it, but I hate to break two appts in a row.

I went out in the sloppy melting snow to go to the salon and had to fight with Buffy at the door to keep her in the house and it was all nasty and wet and cold outside and then when I got to the salon, Ruthann was still there getting her nails finished, and my appointment? Well, it's tomorrow!! I was all pissed off, but I'm not sure who was mistaken, although I like to think it was the receptionist who made the appointment, but it was probably me.

When I was back in the car I called the salon and told the receptionist to let Ruthann know I was going to pick up the baby, I mean Kim, and I headed over to the bakery. With Kim in the car, and an overwhelming feeling of bitter hatred toward the entire world for not letting me sleep, I gave a rude handsign (no, it's not the one you're thinking of) to a kid walking in the middle of the street, and went home and back to bed.

My visiting teachers were coming over at 6, so I had to stay up until then. I pulled out the last pair of Socks for Sale and sewed up the toe seams and they are DONE, baby! Yeah!

Well you know I needed something to knit, so I went to the yarn room and found some yarn to start a vest for Rachel. It's gray wool, with a wonderful sheepy smell and I'm just doing the ribbing for a plain v-neck cardigan vest. I'd like to make something a little fancier than just a plain stocking-stitch vest, but I haven't decided what would be better. Anyway, it gave me something to work on while I talked to my VTs. Kim played the harp for us while we talked - it was wonderful!

Then I took a nap, but kept dreaming that Rachel and Kim were mad at me for not being reverent in church. I wonder what that meant? It wasn't really restful sleep, what with all the disapproval.

I brought the cabled hoodie to work on tonight at work, and a ball of yarn to make a second sock of a pair for ME!

12:00 a.m. - 2004-02-20


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