monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I slept all day.

I haven't done anything today!! Nothing, that's right, nothing at all! I went home this morning at 7 and took a sleeping pill and then I couldn't go to sleep (oh the irony), so I read A College of Magics by Caroline Stevermer for a while and finally went to sleep and slept until Kim called at 2:45 to see if I was coming to pick her up!

I staggered out of bed and got dressed, took Buffy outside with me so she could potty, and then put her in the car bodily, because she wasn't getting in, and went to pick up Kim. When you pick up kids late, there isn't all that after school traffic, so that was a Good Thing.

When we got home I went back to bed and then Kim woke me up at 6:15 (and I thought she said it was 6:50, so that got my heart started!) and I got dressed and came back to work for another long, dull, 12-hour shift. Sigh.

I brought the cabled cardi for Kim back to work with me, hoping to finish the body tonight. Well, that won't happen, because I have to rip out an inch and a half and start the waist shaping. Darn. I didn't know there was any shaping involved, but I didn't have the pattern with me yesterday, so I was knitting happily, thinking I was almost done. Okay, I can do that, and it's fine, I will just enjoy knitting this sweater that much longer. Karin finished her sweater long ago, but Rachel isn't even working on hers because she's too busy studying.

As I mentioned above, I am reading A College of Magics, and really enjoying it. It was a recommendation from this guy, and one of the pile of books I ordered from Amazon last week under the influence of his blog.

I also just finished reading Sorcery and Cecelia, or the Enchanted Coffee Pot by the same author. I think it was one of Amazon's helpful suggestions and it was great. I loved it! It's Georgette Heyer meets Diana Wynn Jones! Go find a copy and read it right now!

12:36 a.m. - 2004-02-25


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