monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Puppy pee and bread mold.

Wow, I have slept for most of the last 24 hours, only getting up for a few hours last night to go out with my family, and let me just say, I think they would have been happier if I had stayed home in bed.

I woke up late in the afternoon and Kim was home already, having called Rich to pick her up after school when she couldn't reach me through my Tylenol PM-induced coma. I still felt groggy, and was just sitting around here watching the puppy trying to herd any available cats, when I saw her, with my own eyes, squat and pee on the couch! Right in front of me!!

I jumped up and yelled at the puppy for peeing, yelled at Rich to take her outside, and started cleaning the spot off the couch as fast as I could! Rich was moving in slow motion, getting his coat, putting on his shoes, just taking his time and couldn't figure out why I was so upset! The dog! It peed on the couch!! I felt like I was speaking in a foreign language!

Rich finally managed to get himself and Buffy out the door and I yelled for Kim to vacuum the floor because suddenly all the dog toys, the torn up magazine, the general dog-induced mess, was just too much for me!

I got dressed then, and because Rich hadn't come back from outdoors (the big chicken), I had to take her to pick up her most annoying friend, GH, who lives way out in the middle of nowhere. I turned up my CD in the car, because I cannot listen to GH.

When we got back home, GH, the animal-loving vegan, sat on the floor and made a huge fuss over Buffy - telling the dog it was so cute, and so smart (hah!) and insisting that the puppy knows how to sit on command because she accidently sat down just as GH told her to, upon which GH announced that she needed to give the dog a treat, and kept telling retardo-mutt to sit and forcing her to take Milk-bones. Later, I picked up all the biscuits, some half-eaten and some untouched, from off of the freshly-vacuumed floor, thankyou.

I had gone upstairs to hide in my room while the kids were making a fuss over Buffy in the living room (Kim's friend Eric was here, too), but I came out when it was time to go to the church for the concert.

It was a concert by a singer named Alex Boye, and it was nice. Since it was at church, there wasn't a loudly enthusiastic crowd, but he really had a good voice and a lot of personal charm - and a British accent, so you know I liked that!

I wanted to tear off my ears because GH kept talking on the way home, and here's the worst thing about her - she is a person who makes statements and expects everyone listening to pay attention to her, and she repeats herself if no one responds, or if they don't make a big enough response. Rich and I were ignoring her, and Kim is always in her own little dreamworld, so GH was pretty much just talking to the air.

And then we went to bed. I woke up at 5, as a result of going to sleep too early, but that's okay. I have already taken Buffy out to potty, and I'm making bread.

I am still making bread every week because I have that really easy, no-kneading recipe that only has one rising time, so it's painless. I think I'm the only person who eats it, though. Rich thinks it's too much work if he has to chew bread, he likes it to be soft and slip right down, so he buys a loaf of bread at the store and that's what he and Kim eat. They don't eat much bread, though, so their loaf hangs around here for a long time. Last night when I was out of good bread, I made a piece of toast with a slice of their bread, but I inspected it for mold first, because I really don't remember how long ago Rich bought it.

Wow, this is fascinating stuff; puppy pee, GH, bread mold...

6:00 a.m. - 2004-02-28


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