monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Ham and pickle with mayo on chewy whole wheat bread.

I was so sleepy last night that I was asleep before 10 but I woke up at 2 and haven't been able to get back to sleep. I thought the clock said 12:15, so I called Rachel to see if her friend that was comming to visit had arrived, but since it was actually 2:15, yes, he had arrived and everyone was asleep. Oops!

I'm out of library books, and I need to have something to read during the long long week ahead at work (7 days in a row, but then I have 7 days off and Rachel is coming home for her Spring break), so I think I'm going to go to the library tomorrow.

I got temporarily sidetracked from the True Path of murder mysteries and checked out several fantasy books and now I'm over that, and I didn't read them all because well, ugh, but now what am I going to do? It's 5 in the morning, should I throw in a load of laundry? I do have a book upstairs that I was re-reading, Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers, but then I got hungry and came down to make a sandwich. I guess I could go back upstairs and read and maybe I'll get sleepy.

I got a letter from Scott today in which he sounds crabby and bitter (welcome to my world, son) but I'm sure by the time I got it he was feeling better. I also got a funny card from his companion, thanking me for the vest I knitted for him and also for the Bruce Lee action figures. I immediately called Ruthann and we went to the post office and mailed the vest!! I meant to mail it a week ago but I had to move my knitting basket to save it from Buffy the Puppy of Darkness, and once the vest was out of sight, well, I forgot about mailing it.

I'm going back upstairs to read and maybe go back to sleep.

5:07 a.m. - 2004-02-29


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