monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Monkeys never sleep

I got home this morning and went right to bed. The puppy had been out for a walk with Rich and was passed out on the floor in the hall downstairs. She likes to sleep on the ceramic tile, so that hall and the upstairs bathroom are her favorite places to sleep.

I was awake for a while and finally drifted off to sleep and was having a weird dream when I heard howling and barking from downstairs. The howling sounded like the warning howl or growl, back in their throats, that the cats do to warn the puppy to back off, so the back and forth noise of the howl and then the bark sounded like Buffy and one of the cats.

Two of the cats were asleep on my bed so I thought it must be Zorro that the puppy was harrassing, and finally I got tired of the noise and went downstairs to break it up. There was no cat in sight, just Buffy sitting by herself in the hallway, and a pile of poop on the rug next to the newspapers I laid down for her to poop on. I wasn't happy.

I called Rich to complain after I cleaned it up, and then I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't sleep! I ended up wandering the house, checking my email, trying to call people on the phone - no one was home!

Finally Rachel called and gave me a rundown on her day, and then Ruthann called to see if I was still up and wanted to go to lunch. Yes! So we went to lunch, did some errands, including a library run, and by the time we finished all of that I was starting to yawn. When I got home I went back to bed, having arranged for Ruthann to pick up Kim after school. I still wasn't sleeping when Kim got home, and she got into bed with me to watch cartoons until I fell asleep.

A wind was blowing hard and there was a little rain, but it was only for about 10 minutes. I finally did go to sleep and woke up again at 8 p.m. After only sleeping for about 4 hours, I hope that I'll be so tired in the morning that I'll just fall into bed and sleep all day.

I'm going to read and knit on the cabled hoodie tonight. I want to finish it so I can start something else!

11:49 p.m. - 2004-03-01


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