monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Oh, the pain!

Ow sweetie, ow dahling! My jaw is aching! I'm tired of having jaw pain all the time, and I've been taking a lot of ibuprophen and whatever other pain-killers I have on hand, and today I went to the dentist's office to get some other work done, so I told him about the aching and all, and he suggested that I might be clenching or grinding my teeth in my sleep! Who, me? I have never had a problem like this before, but I think he might be right. I even thought of that answer on my own, too, because I notice it a lot when I wake up. Damn. I can't believe I'm such a freak, and I especially can't believe how much this hurts!

The dentist said I can get a mouth guard biting thingy ( I can't remember what he called it), so I think next week when I go back to the office, I'll tell him to start the molding or whatever for it. I'm tired of hurting all the time!

Today he removed the gold crown from the wisdom tooth wa-aay at the back of the upper left and he's going to make a new crown for it, that fits better. He didn't put a temporary crown on it because he said it would just come off and I'd swallow it - well, yeah, that's what happened last time! So I just have a big old hole in the tooth. I'm so glamorous.

After the dentist office I went to the grocery store, and by the time I got home, I was feeling sorry for myself like I always do after I go to the dentist, so I went to my room and got in bed with my knitting and a book. Kim unpacked the groceries and then brought me two Tylenol PM so I could go back to sleep. Yeah, she's sweet to be so thoughtful but she was really doing it out of self-preservation.

I'm going to make some Wallaby sweaters for my friend's kids. She wanted to learn to knit last year but it didn't work out. She was admiring a Wallaby I made for another friend's baby, and I decided to make one for each of her three kids. Wallabys are fun and easy, so I don't mind making three of them, and anyway, it's nice to have someone to knit for. My own family has reached maximum saturation point for knitted clothing. Except for socks! I'll be knitting socks on my deathbed, I'm sure - "Just let me kitchner this toe and then I can die..."

11:42 p.m. - 2004-03-04


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