monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Not much.

I wish I had something exciting to tell about, but no, it was a plain vanilla day.

I started the Wallaby for Candace's baby yesterday and worked on it this afternoon. The body is almost done. I couldn't find size 5 dpns in bamboo, so I brought a set of metal ones to work with me so I can start the sleeves tonight. I need to go through all my knitting bags and baskets and collect the needles that are just hanging out, so I have the ones I need when I want them.

I talked to Rachel and asked if she was driving home tonight (her Spring Break is next week) and she said no, she was too tired and wanted to sleep at her place tonight and drive home tomorrow. While I was talking to her, she got a call from a friend, and then she came back on the line and said she was going to go ice-skating! Good thing she wasn't too tired for that!

Kim is going to be in a competition tomorrow, so Rich was complaining a little tonight about getting up at 6 on a Saturday to load up the harp and take her to the competition. Yeah? Well that means I have to stay at home with the peeing dog all day!

11:53 p.m. - 2004-03-05


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