monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


Maybe I need an elephant tranquilizer.

Monkeys never sleep redux:

So I took a sleeping pill at 6 this morning, before I left work and when I got home, Kim and I took Buffy for a walk while Rich loaded the van with the harp, the stool and the dolly, and padded it all with blankets.

Then Rich and Kim left for the music competition, which turned out not to be so much a competition as just an opportunity to play for a panel of music teachers and get critiqued. Still, it was a good experience for Kim, and since she has practically no nerves at all when it comes to performing, it isn't stressful for her. They were home by 11:30.

I woke up when they got home and then I just couldn't go back to sleep! I spent most of the day in bed, but not sleeping! I took a vicodin, which made me drowsier, but I still didn't sleep. So I knitted, I read, I wandered downstairs, went back up to bed, yeah, it was just a long damn day. Finally I did sleep for another 3 hours and woke up when Rachel got home.

When she came in, the puppy got so excited! Buffy was jumping up in the air like a kangaroo! It was hilarious! Finally she was so excited that Rich took her outside for a walk to wear off some of the excess energy, and she took a nap after that.

So yay, Rachel is home, and brought her knitting and her dirty laundry! I have a week off and we are going to watch movies, knit, walk the puppy and go to yarn stores. Woot!

I've got the body and both sleeves done on the first Wallaby, so I'll be able to put all the pieces together and knit the shoulders tonight. I love these little sweaters!

Oh, and the cabled hooded cardi for Kim? Not so much. I decided to take it apart and use the varigated purple and blues Decor to knit the third Wallaby for my friend's daughter. I just don't care about the sweater enough to finish it. I don't like the way the i-cord is flaring out the bottom, I don't really like varigated yarn, so I'm just going to tear it out. I've got two other cardi patterns for Kim, one is the Must Have Cardigan, and the other is one of the patterns from Chicknits. So I'll do one of those and then maybe later make the BPT hooded cardi again, with a solid-color yarn. It's a cute pattern. Rachel is making hers in dark maroon Galway wool and it looks good.

I ordered the pattern for the Must Have Cardigan and when I got it, I was disappointed to see that the cable directions are written, not charted. Sarah offered to chart it for me, and since I hate my scanner, I didn't want to try to fax it to her, so I brought the pattern booklet to work to photocopy it, planning to mail it to her. When I was copying the pattern, I realized that on the last page, there are two charts for the cables, so there I go, not reading all the instructions again and you see what happens? My kids say I only ever read my favorite words. It's true that I don't usually read the entire pattern before I begin, I just read the first couple of lines and jump right in. It's not one of my best qualities.

I've got a couple of recent letters from Scott, so check his webpage next week and they'll be posted.

11:19 p.m. - 2004-03-06


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