monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


I'm cold and hungry.

I woke up at 4 a.m. and can't go back to sleep, although I did manage to remain very quiet so as not to wake up the puppy, and I sneaked out of my room and down here to the den! It's not easy to be quiet when your allergies kick in the minute you wake up and you have to sneeze and blow your nose every 15 seconds!

Preston came over yesterday to make homemade pizza and watch movies with us. The pizza was very good, but we had trouble settling on a movie! After 2 false starts, (too boring, too nasty to watch in front of Kim), we settled on Heist. Rachel and I went to see it before her mission and later I bought a sale copy somewhere, but it had never even been opened. It was okay, but not my favorite David Mamet movie. Preston took Don Juan DeMarco home to watch so I wouldn't have to explain anything to Kim.

I was sooo sleepy and so very tired of the puppy last night! While Rich was at Tae Kwon Do, we had to entertain the bad puppy and oh my goodness, that gets old. I wish she could just read a magazine or something, but no, we have to play with her.

When Rich came home I went upstairs to bed and first came Kim upstairs to help me relax with her soothing meditation talk and then Rachel eventually joined us and we were laughing so hard about the cat! It was fun, and finally I went to sleep, but it was still kind of early, so here I am in the cold den at the crack of dawn! The sun has not even started to rise!!

Today Rachel and I have to take her car to the Saturn dealer in Rockford, and we're planning to visit a yarn store and maybe Barnes & Noble, too. Yeah, that's the plan.

4:45 a.m. - 2004-03-10


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