monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


In which I whine. So what's new?

I missed the morning dog walk because I had to stay at work to learn two tiny little jobs that need to be done now. I was so tired I didn't care, and I went right to bed. At 9:30 the dog woke me up by standing next to the bed, breathing loudly,and I stumbled out of bed, got my bathrobe and started downstairs to let the dog out in my sleep, but then I saw that she had peed on the landing of the stairs so I went back to bed, because what did she need to go out for? She'd already gone to the bathroom. Too bad it was still there to clean when I got up.

I went to Curves with Ruthann in the afternoon, and she said that she is going to try to go every day since I am getting all that walking with the dog, and she doesn't want to get left behind. Left behind? Oh right, like I'm ever going to lose one ounce from walking the dog. Yes, you'd think I would, but I doubt it.

So I'm back on the working nights/never getting enough sleep track. I was feeling particularly sorry for myself today when I was making some chicken curry and I had to get the big pot out of the overhead cupboard by hooking a big knife under the handle and pulling it off the shelf until it drops onto my upraised hand and it fell too fast and in my hurry to catch it I cut myself with the edge of the knife and I was tired and it hurt and I told Kim that no one cooks if I don't do it and no one loves me. She offered to cook (hah! she doesn't have time with the 4 hours of homework/cartoon watching and an hour of harp practice every night - well, not every night) but she really can't do it without my supervision and if I have to supervise I might as well do it myself. I hardly ever cook anymore, but I get tired of not getting a decent dinner.

So I made dinner and went for a walk with Rich and Buffy when Rich got home from work. After the walk I went back to bed, but I couldn't sleep until about 8 and then had to get back up at 10. Waaaahhh!


Tonight I brought the Mushroom wallaby to finish the hood so I can have the needle to knit the pouch on the grey wallaby. I still have Kim's gloves to work on, too.

11:46 p.m. - 2004-03-15


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