monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


My tail is cold and my ears are cold and my nose is cold...

I'm so cold, and I can't get warm! It's rainy and cold, and the rain makes me feel even colder, but what is really making me feel cold is that I took an antihistimine and they always give me chills!

Kim and I took Buffy for a walk tonight and it was raining on us, just a cold, drizzly rain, the whole time we were out, and I was wearing a big sweater over my t-shirt, and my winter coat, mittens and a hat, and by the time we got home I was cold and miserable.

While I was taking off my wet things, Rich was fussing over the dog. He got a towel and dried her (stinky) wet fur, and told her she was a good dog, and pitied her for being wet. Hey! I'm cold and wet, where's my towel? Where's my pity? Yeah, nothing. I got nothing.

I didn't do anything interesting and I never left the house today. It was great. I slept until 2 and then got up and watched Kim play Crystal Chronicles. At some point I cooked some chicken and then I went back to bed. It wasn't very exciting, but it was nice to be home with Kim all day.

11:34 p.m. - 2004-03-30


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