monkeymom's Diaryland Diary


He was one of the McDuffs.

He was one of the McDuffs

Rachel is home from her happy weekend with Dave, and she's having fun telling her friends that she's engaged! However, she is finding that she has to keep explaining the history of their relationship, which goes back about 10 years, because as far as any of her friends know, he just appeared in her life 3 weeks ago and now they're engaged! So that's amusing her.

Oh, and that whole waiting two years while he goes on a mission thing? Well, both Rich and I were a little upset about it, but I'm pretty much over it, and Rich is getting there. He is still grumbling a little, but our motto now is "If Rachel's happy, we're happy." I told Rich he should get it tattoed on his ass and he said he wouldn't be able to see it, so I said I'd get it tattoed on mine. Hah! I slay me.

I had to go to the dentist today to get an impression made for an appliance to use at night to stop the pain in my jaw from the clenching I am apparently doing in my sleep. I needed to go back, anyway, because the crown that he put on Friday afternoon? Yes, it came off Friday night. This is the second crown for that tooth, which should not have been crowned in the first place, as it's a wisdom tooth, and it was just silly to do a root canal and then make a crown and there is not enough tooth to cement the crown to, as well as having it in an awkward spot. So for now I am just leaving the tooth alone and the dentist says that he can take the tooth out eventually. I wish I had been seeing this guy in the first place; we wouldn't have had to go through all this. I suggested that I get a refund on the crown, and he almost had a heart attack!

This is day one of Kim's Spring Break, and she talked Rich into taking her shopping when he got home from work, so she could spend some birthday money on a video game. She bought Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, and I watched her play it for an hour or so before I came to work tonight. It's pretty to look at, but there doesn't seem to be much story.

While I watched her play, I knitted a couple of inches on the hood of the Cranberry Wallaby. That one is my home knitting now, and it will get finished as I knit while watching TV and reading in bed. It should be done in about two days.

I started the cream-colored Wallaby tonight. This one is for Shawn's new baby daughter. I have one more to make after this, for Ruthann's not-yet-born grandson, and then I am going to work on vests. One for Dave, and one for Rachel.

Last night I was watching a movie with Kim and one of the characters was knitting, which prompted Kim to say that she would like to knit something. She asked what she could make, but I didn't have any smart ideas right off the top of my head. Any suggestions? Something fairly easy, but not too long and boring. No, maybe it should be just something long and boring like a scarf for her grandma. It would be easy to pick up and put down, and if she loses interest (and I'm sure she will), it can rest in a basket in her room until two weeks before Christmas, when she can knit it up quickly and give it as a gift. Yes, that's probably the best idea.

11:54 p.m. - 2004-03-29


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